§ 23-174.4. Composition of board of visitors; appointment, terms, etc.
A. The board of visitors shall consist of 13 members who shall be appointed,on or before June 30 of any year in which their terms shall expire, by theGovernor for terms of four years. Of the persons so appointed, four shall bealumni of Norfolk State University of which three may be nonresidents of theCommonwealth. Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of term shall befilled by the Governor for the unexpired term.
B. The Governor may appoint alumni visitors from a list of qualified personssubmitted to him upon the recommendation of the National Alumni Associationof Norfolk State University on or before November 1 of any year in which theterms of such visitors shall expire. The National Alumni Association ofNorfolk State University shall submit the names of four qualified alumni foreach vacancy.
C. All appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the General Assembly.Members shall continue to hold office until their successors have beenappointed and qualified. Members shall be eligible for two consecutive termsof four years, exclusive of that portion of any term on the initial board ofless than four years or any unexpired term.
(1968, c. 532; 1980, c. 625; 1999, c. 1013; 2000, c. 844; 2003, c. 802.)