§ 23-231.10. Executive director; powers and duties; staff.
A. The board shall appoint an executive director who shall (i) supervise andmanage the Extension Partnership, (ii) discharge such functions as may bedirected by the board, and (iii) prepare and submit, upon direction andapproval by the board, all requests for appropriations. The executivedirector shall be authorized to employ such staff as necessary to enable theExtension Partnership to perform its duties as set forth in this chapter. Theboard is authorized to determine staff duties and to fix salaries andcompensation from such funds as may be appropriated or received. In addition,the board is authorized to make arrangements with institutions of highereducation to extend course credit to graduate students employed by theExtension Partnership.
B. Additional staff support for the functions of the Extension Partnershipmay be provided by the Center for Innovative Technology, the University ofVirginia Center for Public Service, community colleges and four-yearinstitutions of higher education, small business development centers, andprivate businesses.
(1992, cc. 217, 668; 1994, cc. 31, 383; 1997, c. 324.)