§ 23-231.11. Additional powers and duties.
To assist the Extension Partnership in its mission, the board is authorizedon behalf of the Extension Partnership to:
1. Apply for, accept, and expend gifts, grants, or donations from public orprivate sources to enable the Extension Partnership to carry out itsobjectives;
2. Fix, alter, charge, and collect rates, fees, and other charges for thesale of products of, or services rendered by the Extension Partnership atrates to be determined by it to pay the expenses of the Extension Partnership;
3. Make and enter into all contracts or agreements which are necessary orincidental to the performance of its duties and to the execution of powersgranted by this chapter, including agreements with any federal agency,person, private firm, or other organization that can provide technical orother business assistance to the Extension Partnership's industrial clients;
4. Employ, at its discretion, consultants, researchers, architects,engineers, accountants, financial experts, investment bankers,superintendents, managers, and such other employees and agents as may benecessary, and to fix their compensation to be payable from funds madeavailable to the Extension Partnership;
5. Render advice and assistance and provide services to state and federalagencies, local and regional economic development entities, private firms,and other persons or organizations providing services or facilities for smalland medium-sized manufacturers and industrial firms in Virginia;
6. Develop and provide programs or projects, at its discretion, alone or incooperation with any person; state or federal agency; state, local, orregional economic development entity; private firm; or other organization foreconomic development through improvements in industrial competitiveness inVirginia; and
7. Do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the powersgranted to it by this chapter or any other acts.
(1992, cc. 217, 668; 1997, c. 324.)