§ 23-231.9. Membership of governing board; terms; compensation; officers;bylaws.
A. The Extension Partnership shall be governed by a 24- member board oftrustees consisting of three presidents of community colleges; two presidentsof public four-year institutions of higher education, and one president of aprivate four-year institution of higher education; 15 citizen members,representing manufacturing industries, to be appointed by the Governor; thedirector of the Center for Innovative Technology; the Secretary of Commerceand Trade; and the Secretary of Technology.
B. Initial appointments in 1992 shall be as follows: the three communitycollege presidents shall be appointed for two-year, three-year, and four-yearterms, respectively; the two presidents of the public four-year institutionsshall be appointed for two-year and four-year terms, respectively; thepresident of a private four-year institution shall be appointed for athree-year term; two citizen members shall be appointed for two-year terms,and two citizen members shall be appointed for three-year and four-yearterms, respectively. Of the five citizen members to be appointed in 1994, twoshall be appointed for two-year terms, two shall be appointed for three-yearterms, and one shall be appointed for a four-year term. Of the six citizenmembers to be appointed in 1997, two shall be appointed for two-year terms,two shall be appointed for three-year terms, and two shall be appointed forfour-year terms. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of fouryears, except that appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpiredterms. With the exceptions of the director of the Center for InnovativeTechnology, the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, and the Secretary ofTechnology, no person shall be eligible to serve for more than two successivefour-year terms; however, upon the expiration of a term of less than fouryears, or after the expiration of the remainder of a term to which appointedto fill a vacancy, two additional terms may be served by such member ifappointed thereto.
C. The board shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among itsmembers and shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer, who may or may notbe members of the board. The board may also elect other subordinate officers,who may or may not be members of the board. All members shall be reimbursedfor their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in thework of the Extension Partnership.
D. The board may adopt, alter, or repeal its own bylaws that govern themanner in which its business may be transacted and may form committees andadvisory councils, which may include representatives who are not boardmembers.
(1992, cc. 217, 668; 1994, cc. 31, 383; 1997, c. 324; 2004, c. 989.)