§ 23-231.19. Institute for Advanced Learning and Research created;responsibilities.
A. With such funds as are appropriated or made available for this purpose,there is hereby created and constituted, in Southside Virginia, a politicalsubdivision of the Commonwealth to be known as the Institute for AdvancedLearning and Research, hereinafter referred to as the "Institute." TheInstitute shall be founded by Averett University, Danville Community College,and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
B. The Institute shall:
1. Seek to diversify the Dan River Region's economy by engaging the resourcesof Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partnership withDanville Community College and Averett University and public and privatebodies and organizations of the region and state.
2. Serve as a catalyst for economic and community transformation byleveraging and brokering resources that support economic diversity for theregion, particularly within the network economy.
3. Provide a site for the development of the technology and trained workforcenecessary for new economic enterprises to flourish in Southside Virginiathrough the teaching, research, outreach, and technology available from itspartner institutions.
4. Expand access to higher education in Southside Virginia by providing foradult and continuing education, workforce training and development, anddegree-granting programs, including undergraduate, graduate and professionalprograms, through partnerships with the Commonwealth's private and publicinstitutions of higher education, the City of Danville, County ofPittsylvania, the public schools, and the public and private sectors in theregion.
5. Serve as a resource and hub for network-related initiatives in education,at all levels, and in economic development activities.
6. Assist in regional economic and community development efforts by housingand encouraging research and product-related activities and encouraging hightechnology economic development in the region.
7. Encourage and coordinate, as appropriate, the development and delivery ofprograms offered by those educational institutions serving the region.
8. Serve as a resource and referral center by maintaining and disseminatinginformation on existing educational programs, research, and universityoutreach resources.
(2002, cc. 581, 620.)