§ 23-222. Transfer of facilities, assets and programs.
(a) Effective July 1, 1967, all physical facilities, assets and programs ofinstruction in the fields specified in subdivision (a) of § 23-214 of thefollowing institutions shall be transferred to and placed under the controland administration of the State Board for Community Colleges.
Eastern Shore Branch of the School of General Studies of the University ofVirginia,
Lynchburg Branch of the School of General Studies of the University ofVirginia,
Patrick Henry College of the University of Virginia,
Clifton Forge-Covington Branch of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute andState University,
Roanoke Technical Institute of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity,
Roanoke Center of the School of General Studies of the University ofVirginia, and
Wytheville Branch of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Provided, however, that no such transfer shall take place with respect to anyindividual institution specified in the next preceding paragraph until (1)the Advisory Committee on Community Colleges certifies to the State Board andthe Governor that such individual institution has demonstrated therequirements necessary for accreditation by the Southern Association ofColleges and Schools and (2) the Governor signifies in writing his approvalof such transfer. If such certification by the Advisory Committee is not madewith respect to any individual institution prior to July 1, 1967, thencertification shall only be made between July one and August one of anysucceeding year, and such transfer shall take place, if the Governorsignifies in writing his approval of such transfer, on July one nextfollowing the date on which such certification is made.
The college or university of which any individual institution is a part shallcooperate in obtaining certification for such institution. As soon aspracticable, the State Board shall request individual accreditation of theinstitutions specified in this section by the Southern Association ofColleges and Schools.
Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection or any other provision ofthis chapter, it is further provided that by agreement between the StateBoard and the governing body of the college or university of which any suchindividual institution is a part, and with the approval of the Governor, suchtransfer may take place prior to July 1, 1967, or any date subsequent thereto.
(b) Effective July 1, 1966, the physical facilities, assets and programs ofexisting technical colleges and all assets of the existing State Board andDepartment of Technical Education shall be transferred to and placed underthe control and administration of the State Board for Community Colleges.
(c) Effective July 1, 1966, all educational programs for post-high school ageyouth and adults in existing area career and technical schools under theState Board of Education shall be transferred to and placed under the controland government of the State Board for Community Colleges.
(d) All the real estate and personal property now existing and heretofore[before July 1, 1966] standing in the name of institutions or boards includedin subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall, on the dates set forth insuch subsections, be transferred to and taken as standing in the name of theState Board for Community Colleges.
(e) In effecting the transfers specified in this section, the State Board forCommunity Colleges shall respect any existing financial investment of localcommunities in these institutions by establishing policies which will insurean equitable method of financing future developments.
(1966, c. 679; 1968, c. 108.)