§ 23-276.13. Establishment of the Career College Advisory Board.
A. The Council shall establish and seek the advice of the Career CollegeAdvisory Board, which shall assist the Council in the performance of itsduties and provide advisory services in academic and administrative mattersrelated to private proprietary institutions of higher education andacademic-vocational noncollege degree schools. The Career College AdvisoryBoard shall be composed of college and university representatives and suchother members as the Council may select and shall be broadly representativeof the private proprietary sector of institutions of higher education andacademic-vocational noncollege degree schools.
B. The Career College Advisory Board shall meet at least twice each year andshall advise the Council and the private proprietary accredited institutionsof higher education and academic-vocational noncollege degree schools in theCommonwealth regarding such matters as may come before it. The Council mayemploy such qualified personnel as may be required to assist the CareerCollege Advisory Board in the performance of its duties.
(2004, c. 991.)