§ 23-286.1. Christopher Reeve Stem Cell Research Fund.
A. From such funds as may be appropriated by the General Assembly and anygifts, grants, or donations from public or private sources, there is herebycreated in the state treasury a special, nonreverting, revolving andpermanent fund, to be known as the Christopher Reeve Stem Cell Research Fund(the Fund). The Fund shall be established in the books of the StateComptroller and shall be administered by the Commonwealth Health ResearchBoard, the independent body created in Chapter 22 (§ 23-277 et seq.).Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and becredited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund at the end of each fiscalyear, including interest thereon, shall not revert to the general fund butshall remain in the Fund. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund, whichmay consist of grants, donations, or other assistance, shall be made by theState Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written requestbearing the signature of the chairman or the vice-chairman of theCommonwealth Health Research Board.
B. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely to support medical and biomedicalstem cell research conducted in Virginia institutions of higher educationthat relates to the causes and cures of disease, including, but not limitedto, paralysis caused by spinal cord injury, diabetes, cancer, heart disease,and neurological disorders, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (LouGehrig's disease) and multiple sclerosis.
C. The grants, donations, or other assistance provided hereunder shall beawarded in accordance with the Commonwealth Health Research Board's specificcriteria and procedures, requirements for submission of research proposals,and evaluation mechanisms established pursuant to Chapter 22 (§ 23-277 etseq.). However, no requirement for matching funds shall apply to the grants,donations, or other assistance awarded pursuant to the Christopher Reeve StemCell Research Fund and the leveraging of funds shall be incidental to thesupport provided under this section. The grants, donations, or otherassistance provided hereunder may be awarded to support stem cell researchthat is not eligible for federal research funds through the NationalInstitutes of Health. No moneys from the Fund may be provided to any entitythat conducts human stem cell research from stem cells obtained from humanembryos, or for conducting such research; however, research conducted usingstem cells other than embryonic stem cells may be funded.
(2005, c. 696.)