§ 23-281. Powers of the Board.
In order to carry out its purpose, the Board shall have the power to:
1. Make grants or other expenditures or disbursements from the Fund toprovide support for research efforts approved by the Board in accordance withthe purposes of this chapter; however, the Board shall not be obligated tomake annual or other periodic disbursements or expenditures;
2. Contract for the services of consultants to review research proposals andto assist in the evaluation of the research efforts funded by the Board;
3. Contract for other professional services to assist the Board in theperformance of its duties and responsibilities;
4. Accept, hold, administer, and solicit gifts, grants, bequests,contributions or other assistance from federal agencies, the Commonwealth, orany other public or private source to carry out the purposes of this chapter;
5. Enter into any agreement or contract relating to the acceptance or use ofany grant, assistance or support provided by or to the Board, or otherwise infurtherance of the purposes of this chapter;
6. Perform any lawful acts necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposesof the Board; and
7. Employ such staff as is necessary to perform the Board's duties. The Boardmay determine the duties of such staff and fix the salaries and compensationof such staff, which shall be paid from the Fund.
(1997, cc. 803, 888, 891; 2000, cc. 675, 700; 2002, cc. 591, 612.)