§ 23-287. Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation continued; Board of Trustees,officers and executive committee.
A. The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, hereinafter referred to as theFoundation, is hereby continued and shall be deemed to be an institution ofhigher education within the meaning of §§ 23-3.1 and 23-9.2. The Foundationshall be administered by the Board of Trustees consisting of the following exofficio trustees: the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General,Speaker of the House of Delegates, President Pro Tempore of the Senate,Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Chairman of the SenateFinance Committee, and the Secretary of Education. In addition, there shallbe 12 members appointed by the Governor from the Commonwealth at large forfour-year terms who shall be subject to confirmation by a majority of themembers of each house of the General Assembly; eight members appointed by theSpeaker of the House of Delegates from the membership thereof for termsconcurrent with the terms for which they have been elected to office; fourmembers appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules from the membership of theSenate for terms concurrent with the term for which they have been elected tooffice; five members annually elected by the Board of Trustees, some of whommay be nonresidents of the Commonwealth; and any and all chairmen emeritielected by the Board of Trustees pursuant to § 23-288. The president of theJamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Inc. shall also serve as a member of the Boardof Trustees. Nonresident members of the Board of Trustees shall serve at noexpense to the Commonwealth. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for theunexpired terms.
The Board of Trustees shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman and such otherofficers as are deemed necessary. The chairman shall appoint seven or moremembers of the Board to constitute an executive committee, the membership ofwhich shall include the chairman and vice-chairman.
Resident members of the Board of Trustees shall be reimbursed for allreasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their dutiesas provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825 and shall receive compensation at theper diem rate established for members of the General Assembly as provided in§ 30-19.12. The funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of themembers shall be provided by the Foundation.
B. The Foundation is an educational institution and has the furtherresponsibility to administer certain historical museums and such relatedprograms as may be established as defined from time to time.
(1998, cc. 589, 786; 2000, cc. 104, 125; 2003, c. 879; 2005, c. 758.)