§ 23-288. Powers and duties.
The Foundation shall have the power and duty to:
1. Do all things necessary and proper to further an appreciation of thecontributions of the first permanent English-speaking settlers and theirAmerican Indian neighbors of Virginia and the United States to the buildingof our Commonwealth and nation, to commemorate the winning of Americanindependence on the battlefield at Yorktown, and to enhance our understandingof the making of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, includingVirginia's role in shaping the fundamental principles of the Americanconstitutional system.
2. Administer, develop and maintain at Jamestown and Yorktown permanentcommemorative shrines and historical museums.
3. Adopt names, flags, seals and other emblems for use in connection withsuch shrines and to copyright the same in the name of the Commonwealth.
4. Enter into contracts to further the purposes of the Foundation, which havebeen approved by the Attorney General.
5. Establish nonprofit corporations as instrumentalities to assist inadministering the affairs of the Foundation.
6. With the consent of the Governor, acquire lands, property and structuresdeemed necessary for the purposes of the Foundation by purchase, lease, gift,devise or condemnation proceedings. The title to the land and propertyacquired shall be in the name of the Commonwealth. In the exercise of thepower of eminent domain granted under this section, the Foundation mayproceed in the manner provided by Chapter 3 (§ 25.1-300 et seq.) of Title25.1.
7. With the consent of the Governor, convey by lease land to any person,association, firm or corporation for such term and on such conditions as theFoundation may determine.
8. Receive and expend gifts, grants and donations from whatever sourcederived for the purposes of the Foundation.
9. Employ an executive director and such deputies and assistants as may berequired.
10. To elect any past chairman of the Board of Trustees to the honoraryposition of Chairman Emeritus. Chairmen emeriti shall serve as honorarymembers for life. Chairmen emeriti shall be elected in addition to theat-large positions defined in § 23-287.
11. With the consent of the Governor, to enter into agreements or contractswith private entities for the promotion of tourism through marketing withoutcompetitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation provided a demonstrablecost savings, as reviewed by the Secretary of Education, can be realized bythe Foundation and such agreements or contracts are based on competitiveprinciples.
12. To determine what paintings, statuary, works of art, manuscripts, andartifacts may be acquired by purchase, gift, or loan, and to exchange or sellthe same if not inconsistent with the terms of such purchase, gift, loan, orother acquisition.
13. To change the form of investment of any funds, securities, or otherproperty, real or personal, provided the same are not inconsistent with theterms of the instrument under which the same were acquired, and to sell,grant, or convey any such property, except that any transfers of realproperty may be made only with the consent of the Governor.
(1998, cc. 222, 589, 786, 791; 2000, c. 109; 2003, cc. 879, 940.)