§ 23-299.4. College partnership laboratory school application.
A. Any public institution of higher education operating within theCommonwealth and having a teacher education program approved by the Board ofEducation may submit an application for formation of a college partnershiplaboratory school.
B. Each college partnership laboratory school application shall provide ordescribe thoroughly all of the following essential elements of the proposedschool plan:
1. An executive summary;
2. The mission and vision of the proposed college partnership laboratoryschool, including identification of the targeted student population;
3. The proposed location of the school;
4. The grades to be served each year for the full term of the contract;
5. Minimum, planned, and maximum enrollment per grade per year for the termof the contract;
6. Background information on the proposed founding governing board membersand, if identified, the proposed school leadership and management team;
7. The school's proposed calendar and sample daily schedule;
8. A description of the academic program aligned with state standards;
9. A description of the school's educational program, including the type oflearning environment (such as classroom-based or independent study), classsize and structure, curriculum overview, and teaching methods;
10. The school's plan for using internal and external assessments to measureand report student progress in accordance with the Standards of Learning;
11. The school's plans for identifying and successfully serving students withdisabilities, students who are English language learners, students who areacademically behind, and gifted students, including but not limited tocompliance with applicable laws and regulations;
12. A description of co-curricular and extracurricular programs and how theywill be funded and delivered;
13. Plans and timelines for student recruitment and enrollment, includinglottery procedures if sufficient space is unavailable;
14. The school's student disciplinary policies, including those for specialeducation students;
15. An organization chart that clearly presents the school's organizationalstructure, including lines of authority and reporting between the governingboard, staff, any related bodies (such as advisory bodies or parent andteacher councils), Board of Education, and any external organizations thatwill play a role in managing the school;
16. A clear description of the roles and responsibilities for the governingboard, the school's leadership and management team, and any other entitiesshown in the organization chart;
17. A staffing chart for the school's first year and a staffing plan for theterm of the contract;
18. Plans for recruiting and developing school leadership and staff;
19. The school's leadership and teacher employment policies, includingperformance evaluation plans;
20. A plan for the placement of college partnership laboratory school pupils,teachers, and employees upon termination or revocation of the contract;
21. Explanation of any partnerships or contractual relationships central tothe school's operations or mission;
22. The school's plans for providing transportation, food service, and allother significant operational or ancillary services;
23. Opportunities and expectations for parent involvement;
24. A detailed school start-up plan, identifying tasks, timelines, andresponsible individuals;
25. Description of the school's financial plan and policies, includingfinancial controls and audit requirements;
26. A description of the insurance coverage the school will obtain;
27. Start-up and five-year budgets with clearly stated assumptions;
28. Start-up and first-year cash-flow projections with clearly statedassumptions;
29. Evidence of anticipated fundraising contributions, if claimed in theapplication;
30. A sound facilities plan, including backup or contingency plans ifappropriate; and
31. Assurances that the college partnership laboratory school (i) isnonreligious in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, andall other operations and (ii) does not charge tuition.
The purposes of the college partnership laboratory school application are topresent the proposed school's academic and operational vision and plans,demonstrate the applicant's capacities to execute the proposed vision andplans, and provide the Board of Education a clear basis for assessing theapplicant's plans and capacities. An approved college partnership laboratoryschool application shall not serve as the school's contract. Within 90 daysof approval of a college partnership laboratory school application, the Boardof Education and the governing board of the approved school shall execute acontract that clearly sets forth the academic and operational performanceexpectations and measures by which the college partnership laboratory schoolwill be judged and the administrative relationship between the Board ofEducation and the college partnership laboratory school, including eachparty's rights and duties. The performance expectations and measures setforth in the contract shall include but need not be limited to applicablefederal and state accountability requirements. The performance provisions maybe refined or amended by mutual agreement after the college partnershiplaboratory school is operating and has collected baseline achievement datafor its enrolled students.
(2010, cc. 816, 871.)