§ 23-301. Membership of the Board; terms; vacancies; officers; meetings, etc.
A. The Foundation shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of eightmembers as follows: the president of the University of Virginia or hisdesignee; the president of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity or his designee; the president of one of the other institutionsincluded in the Virginia Coastal Energy Research Consortium, pursuant to §67-600 of the Code of Virginia, or his designee; one nonlegislative citizenmember who shall represent public service companies providing energy toconsumers, to be appointed by the Governor; three nonlegislative citizenmembers to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; and onenonlegislative citizen member to be appointed by the Senate Committee onRules.
Nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Speaker of the House ofDelegates and the Senate Committee on Rules shall have specialized backgroundand expertise on one or more of the following subjects: environmental orconservation issues; financing and commercialization of newly developedtechnologies or products; energy production issues; or scientific researchmethodologies and protocols.
B. There shall be no limitation on the terms of Board members and they shallserve at the pleasure of the appointing authority, except for the presidentof the other institutions included in the Virginia Coastal Energy ResearchConsortium, which shall rotate among the member institutions on an annualbasis.
C. The Board shall appoint from its membership a chairman and avice-chairman, both of whom shall serve in such capacities at the pleasure ofthe Board. The chairman, or in his absence, the vice-chairman, shall presideat all meetings of the Board. The meetings of the Board shall be held on thecall of the chairman or whenever the majority of the members so request. TheBoard shall meet not less than twice annually. A majority of members of theBoard serving at any one time shall constitute a quorum for the transactionof business. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Board may meet,conduct business, and vote by means of electronic communication.
(2010, c. 846.)