§ 23-14. Certain educational institutions declared governmentalinstrumentalities; powers vested in majority of members of board.
The College of William and Mary in Virginia, at Williamsburg; Richard BlandCollege of the College of William and Mary at Dinwiddie and Prince George;the rector and visitors of Christopher Newport University, at Newport News;Longwood University, at Farmville; the University of Mary Washington, atFredericksburg; George Mason University, at Fairfax; the James MadisonUniversity, at Harrisonburg; Old Dominion University, at Norfolk; the StateBoard for Community Colleges, at Richmond; the Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, at Richmond; the Radford University, at Radford; the RoanokeHigher Education Authority and Center; the rector and visitors of theUniversity of Virginia, at Charlottesville; the University of Virginia'sCollege at Wise; the Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington; the VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University, at Blacksburg; the VirginiaSchools for the Deaf and the Blind; the Virginia State University, atPetersburg; Norfolk State University, at Norfolk; the Woodrow WilsonRehabilitation Center, at Fishersville; the Eastern Virginia Medical School;the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center; the Southwest Virginia HigherEducation Center; the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research; and theNew College Institute are hereby classified as educational institutions andare declared to be public bodies and constituted as governmentalinstrumentalities for the dissemination of education. The powers of everysuch institution derived directly or indirectly from this chapter shall bevested in and exercised by a majority of the members of its board, and amajority of such board shall be a quorum for the transaction of any businessauthorized by this chapter. Wherever the word "board" is used in thischapter, it shall be deemed to include the members of a governing bodydesignated by another title.
(1933, p. 83; 1946, p. 183; 1956, c. 373; 1960, c. 180; 1962, c. 69; 1964,cc. 358, 440, 635; 1966, c. 616; 1972, cc. 550, 861; 1974, c. 317; 1975, c.396; 1976, c. 189; 1977, cc. 296, 319, 668; 1979, cc. 136, 145; 1987, c. 329;1992, c. 103; 1999, cc. 424, 437; 2000, cc. 108, 671; 2001, c. 578; 2002, cc.87, 158, 257, 478; 2004, cc. 176, 195, 857; 2005, cc. 774, 799; 2006, cc.808, 842; 2008, c. 56.)