§ 23-38.10:10. Eligibility criteria.
A. Under this program, grants shall be made to or on behalf of eligibleVirginia domiciles who (i) have received an associate degree at a Virginiatwo-year public institution of higher education, (ii) have enrolled in aVirginia four-year public or private institution of higher education by thefall following the award of the associate degree, (iii) have applied forfinancial aid, and (iv) have financial need, defined by an Expected FamilyContribution (EFC) of no more than $8,000 as calculated by the federalgovernment using the family's financial information reported on the FreeApplication for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. Only students whomaintained a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a scale of 4.0or its equivalent while enrolled in an associate degree program at a Virginiatwo-year public institution of higher education shall be eligible to receivea grant under this chapter.
B. Eligibility for a higher education grant under this program shall belimited to three academic years or 70 credit hours and shall be used only forundergraduate collegiate work in educational programs other than thoseproviding religious training or theological education. To remain eligible fora grant under this program, a student must continue to demonstrate financialneed, as defined in this section, maintain a 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 or itsequivalent, and make satisfactory academic progress towards a degree.
C. Individuals who have failed to meet the federal requirement to registerfor the Selective Service shall not be eligible to receive grants pursuant tothis chapter. However, a person who has failed to register for the SelectiveService shall not be denied a right, privilege, or benefit under this sectionif (i) the requirement to so register has terminated or become inapplicableto the person and (ii) the person shows by a preponderance of the evidencethat the failure to register was not a knowing and willful failure toregister.
(2007, cc. 850, 899.)