§ 23-38.12. Program of tuition assistance established.
There is hereby established, from funds provided by law, a program of tuitionassistance in the form of grants, as hereinafter provided, to or on behalf ofbona fide residents of Virginia who attend private, accredited and nonprofitinstitutions of collegiate education in the Commonwealth whose primarypurpose is to provide collegiate, graduate, or professional education and notto provide religious training or theological education. Individuals who havefailed to meet the federal requirement to register for the Selective Serviceshall not be eligible to receive these grants. However, a person who hasfailed to register for the Selective Service shall not be denied a right,privilege, or benefit under this section if: (i) the requirement to soregister has terminated or become inapplicable to the person and (ii) theperson shows by a preponderance of the evidence that the failure to registerwas not a knowing and willful failure to register. The State Council ofHigher Education shall be assisted in enforcing this provision by the privateinstitutions of higher education whose students benefit from this program.Unless otherwise indicated, as used in this chapter "accredited" means anyinstitution approved to confer degrees pursuant to Chapter 21.1 (§ 23-276.1et seq.) of this title.
(1972, c. 18; 1973, c. 2; 1975, c. 400; 1980, c. 101; 1981, c. 257; 1985, c.520; 1998, c. 483; 1999, c. 434.)