§ 23-38.116. Human resources programs.
A. The governing body of each covered institution may elect to adopt for itsnonfaculty participating Covered Employees either (i) one or more humanresources programs that is or are generally consistent with the provisions ofChapters 28 (§ 2.2-2800 et seq.) and 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2,pertaining generally to state employees, or (ii) such other human resourcesprogram or programs as it determines to be appropriate. The coveredinstitution may administer such human resources program or programs itself ormay contract with another covered institution or with the Department of HumanResources Management to administer some or all of its human resourcesprograms, subject to the execution of any participation or operatingagreement as the parties to that agreement may deem necessary and appropriate.
B. Each covered institution may establish a human resources program orprograms for participating Covered Employees not included in subsection A,including a program or programs relating to those other personnel that itsenabling legislation authorizes it to employ. In addition, such institutionmay, in its discretion, contract for such consultants, attorneys,accountants, and financial experts, and such independent providers of expertadvice and consultation as may be necessary or desirable in the judgment ofthe covered institution.
C. Any human resources program adopted by the governing body of a coveredinstitution for participating Covered Employees shall be based on meritprinciples and objective methods of appointment, promotion, transfer, layoff,removal, severance, discipline, and other appropriate topics included in sucha human resources program based on such principles and methods.
(2005, cc. 933, 945.)