§ 23-38.92. Scope of subchapter.
A. Any public institution of higher education that complies with therequirements of this subchapter shall thereafter have the powers andauthority set forth in this subchapter that are expressly included in themanagement agreement described in § 23-38.88.
B. Except as specifically made inapplicable under this subchapter and theexpress terms of a management agreement described in § 23-38.88, theprovisions of Title 2.2 relating generally to the operation, management,supervision, regulation, and control of public institutions of highereducation shall be applicable to covered institutions as provided by theexpress terms of the management agreement described in § 23-38.88.
C. In the event of a conflict between any provision of Title 2.2 and anyprovision of this subchapter as expressed by the management agreement, theprovisions of the management agreement shall control. In the event of aconflict between any provision of this subchapter and an institution'senabling legislation, the enabling legislation shall control.
(2005, cc. 933, 945.)