§ 23-38.53:13. Establishment and administration of Advantage VirginiaIncentive Program Foundation; appointment, terms, chairman, quorum, etc., ofboard of trustees.
The Advantage Virginia Incentive Program Foundation (Foundation) isestablished for the express purpose of preparing persons, through education,to fill jobs that are in high demand in the Commonwealth by carrying out theduties as imposed to the Foundation by this chapter. The Foundation is a bodypolitic of the Commonwealth and shall be governed and administered by a boardof trustees composed of the chairman of the Virginia Workforce Council andsix trustees from the Commonwealth at large, to be appointed by the Governorfor four-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms.
The Governor shall appoint a chairman of the board from among the sixtrustees-at-large. A majority of the members of the board serving at any onetime shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(2000, c. 765; 2001, c. 765.)