§ 23-38.53:16. Advantage Virginia Incentive Program created; purpose.
A. From such funds as may be appropriated for such purpose, and from suchgifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds as may be received on itsbehalf, there is hereby created the Advantage Virginia Incentive Program(AVIP) to provide scholarships to students attending eligible institutionswho fill jobs that are in high demand in the Commonwealth. Moneys may be paidto eligible institutions on behalf of students who have been awarded AVIPscholarships and who are or will be attending such institutions.
B. By September 1 of each year the Council shall designate (i) jobs that arein high demand in the Commonwealth as qualified jobs for the purpose of AVIP;(ii) professions and skill areas directly related to qualified jobs; (iii)the geographical concentration of qualified jobs; and (iv) eligible degreeprograms that shall be two-year or four-year degree programs, offered byeligible institutions, and that directly lead to employment in qualifiedjobs. In making such designations, the Council shall (i) consult with theState Council of Higher Education, the Secretaries of Commerce and Trade,Education, and Technology, and any interested representatives from privatesector businesses, labor organizations, trade associations, and individuals,public agencies, or private companies with expertise related to labor marketsor geographic and demographic analysis and (ii) seek to ensure that thediverse needs of the Commonwealth are considered and that such designationsreflect Virginia's broad, long-term economic, educational, and public policyinterests in both the public and private sectors.
C. Subject to the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.), theCouncil shall promulgate regulations and procedures which are necessary,convenient, or desirable in administering AVIP as provided in this chapter.
(2000, c. 765; 2001, c. 765; 2004, c. 872.)