§ 23-38.53:19. Selection of beneficiaries.
A. In selecting beneficiaries of the AVIP scholarship, the Council shall notselect more beneficiaries than the moneys available to grant scholarships tosuch beneficiaries.
B. In selecting beneficiaries, priority shall be given to eligible students(i) who are closest to completing their degree programs designated by theCouncil under § 23-38.53:16 as directly leading to a qualified job, (ii) whodemonstrate financial need, (iii) who attended a high school located in aplanning district that has annual average unemployment rates for the mostrecent calendar year that are higher than the final statewide averageunemployment rate for the most recent calendar year, and (iv) whoseapplications were received earliest by the Council.
C. After selecting the beneficiaries, the Council shall inform the Foundationof such beneficiaries, upon which notification the Foundation shall issuescholarship moneys to the beneficiaries or to the institutions in behalf ofthe beneficiaries.
(2000, c. 765; 2001, c. 765; 2004, c. 872.)