§ 23-38.52. Employment of staff; acceptance of gifts; student financialassistance programs.
The State Council of Higher Education is authorized, subject to theprovisions of Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2, to employ suchstaff members as it may deem necessary to supervise and administer thisprogram and is further authorized to accept and expend gifts and donationsfrom public and private sources to enable it better to carry out this programand its objectives. Further, subject to applicable constitutionalrestrictions, the Council is authorized to administer student financialassistance programs established by restricted endowment and gifts inaccordance with the stipulations of the donor. The Council shall issueguidelines for each restricted program and shall recover the full cost ofadministration from the funds available.
(1973, cc. 24, 106; 1996, c. 1009.)