§ 23-38.56. Attendance at state institutions; conditions.
A senior citizen shall be permitted, under regulations as may be prescribedby the State Council of Higher Education:
(i) To register for and enroll in courses as a full-time or part-time studentfor academic credit if such senior citizen had a taxable individual incomenot exceeding $15,000 for Virginia income tax purposes for the year precedingthe year in which enrollment is sought;
(ii) To register for and audit courses offered for academic credit; and
(iii) To register for and enroll in courses not offered for academic creditin any state institution of higher education in this Commonwealth.
Such senior citizen shall pay no tuition or fees except fees established forthe purpose of paying for course materials, such as laboratory fees, butshall be subject to the admission requirements of the institution and adetermination by the institution of its ability to offer the course orcourses for which the senior citizen registers. The State Council of HigherEducation shall establish procedures to ensure that tuition-paying studentsare accommodated in courses before senior citizens participating in thisprogram are enrolled. However, the state institutions of higher education maymake individual exceptions to these procedures when the senior citizen hascompleted seventy-five percent of the requirements for a degree.
(1974, c. 463; 1977, c. 281; 1982, c. 677; 1984, c. 371; 1988, c. 90; 1989,c. 101; 1999, c. 381; 2002, c. 521.)