§ 23-38.86. Admission to institutions not guaranteed.
Nothing in this chapter nor in any prepaid tuition contract or savings trustagreement shall be construed as a promise or guarantee by the Board or theCommonwealth of any admission, continued enrollment, or graduation at anypublic two-year or four-year institution of higher education in theCommonwealth.
Nothing in this chapter or in any prepaid tuition contract entered intopursuant to this chapter shall be construed as a promise or guarantee thatthe beneficiary's cost of tuition at an institution of higher education otherthan a public institution of higher education will be covered in full by theproceeds of the beneficiary's tuition credits.
Nothing in this chapter or in any savings trust agreement entered intopursuant to this chapter shall be construed as a promise or guarantee thatany qualified higher education expense shall be covered in full bycontributions to or earnings on any savings trust account.
(1994, c. 661; 1999, cc. 485, 518.)