§ 23-35.11. Nursing scholarships; contract to be signed before award.
Before any such scholarship is awarded, the applicant must sign a writtencontract, under the terms of which the applicant agrees to pursue a nursingprogram until completion and thereupon to promptly begin and thereafterengage continuously in nursing work in the Commonwealth in a region with acritical shortage of nurses for one month for each $100 of scholarshipawarded pursuant to § 23-35.9. The requirement for continuous engagement innursing work may be waived by the Committee if the scholarship recipientrequests leave to pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree in nursing orrelated to nursing activities. The contract shall contain such otherprovisions as are necessary, in the opinion of the State Board of Health, toaccomplish the purposes of the scholarship.
(1950, p. 1291; 1973, c. 401; 1974, c. 654; 1989, c. 330.)