§ 23-35.9. Nursing scholarships; Advisory Committee.
Annual nursing scholarships are hereby established for part-time andfull-time students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.For the purposes of §§ 23-35.9 through 23-35.13, undergraduate nursingprograms are defined as programs leading to an associate degree, diploma, orbaccalaureate degree in nursing; graduate nursing programs are herein definedas those programs offering masters and doctoral degrees in nursing or relatedto nursing activities. Undergraduate nursing scholarships shall not exceed$2,000 annually. Graduate nursing scholarships shall not exceed $4,000annually. These awards shall be made by the Advisory Committee to the StateBoard of Health and the recipients shall be required to attend a school ofprofessional nursing in this Commonwealth if such schools are available andthe student can receive admission thereto. This section shall not beconstrued to prohibit such scholarship from being available to any first-yearcollege student at the beginning of the first college year who presents tothe Advisory Committee a notice of intention to pursue an undergraduatenursing program as defined for the purposes of this section.
The Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the State Board of Health. TheCommittee shall consist of eight members: four of whom shall be deans ordirectors of schools of nursing or their designees; two of whom shall be pastrecipients of nursing scholarships awarded pursuant to this title; and, twoof whom shall have experience in the administration of student financial aidprograms. Appointments shall be for two-year terms. No member of theCommittee shall be eligible to serve more than two successive terms inaddition to the portion of any unexpired term for which such member wasappointed. Following initial appointments, the State Board of Health shallschedule appointments to the Advisory Committee in such a manner that atleast two persons who have not served during the previous two years areappointed to the Committee.
(1950, p. 1291; 1956, c. 644; 1962, c. 81; 1966, c. 162; 1968, c. 441; 1970,c. 653; 1973, c. 401; 1974, c. 654; 1989, c. 330; 2002, c. 290.)