§ 23-38.2. Virginia Behavioral Health and Developmental Services ScholarshipFund.
(a) There is hereby established a fund, to be known as the VirginiaBehavioral Health and Developmental Services Scholarship Fund, which shallconsist of funds appropriated to it from time to time by the General Assemblyand which shall be administered by the Department of Behavioral Health andDevelopmental Services, for the purpose of providing scholarships for studyin various professions and skills that deal with the treatment, training andcare of individuals with mental illness and mental retardation.
(b) The State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shallpromulgate the necessary rules and regulations, not inconsistent with otherlaws, for the implementation of this section. Such rules and regulationsshall provide:
(1) That scholarships be awarded for a period no longer than one year, butthat certain scholarships may be reawarded not more than two times;
(2) That persons who receive such scholarships agree to serve in stateemployment upon completion of training for a period at least as long as thelength of training provided by the scholarship, and that if they do notfulfill this agreement they shall repay to the Commonwealth the amount of thescholarship with interest;
(3) That priorities be given for training in professions and skills whereshortages exist and are anticipated in state mental health and mentalretardation institutions; and
(4) That priorities be given to citizens of this Commonwealth.
(c) The Commissioner of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services ishereby authorized to receive gifts, donations, bequests, and federal grantsto the Virginia Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Scholarship Fund.
(1970, c. 384; 1987, c. 413; 2009, cc. 813, 840.)