§ 23-38.5. Soil scientist scholarships; contract to be signed before award.
Before any such scholarship is awarded, the applicant shall sign a writtencontract, under the terms of which the applicant agrees to pursue theagronomy course at the school at which the scholarship is awarded, until hisgraduation, and that upon graduating he will promptly begin and thereafterengage continuously as a soil scientist as an employee of the Commonwealth ofVirginia for a period of years equal in number to the years which he has beena beneficiary of such scholarship; provided, no suitable vacancy exists as anemployee of the Commonwealth of Virginia then the obligation of such contractmay be discharged by being engaged continuously in Virginia as a soilscientist as an employee of a local, Virginia or federal government agencyfor a period of years, equal in number to the years which he has been abeneficiary of such scholarship. The contract shall contain such otherprovisions as are necessary in the opinion of Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University to accomplish the purposes of the scholarship. In theevent the holder of any soil scientist scholarship awarded dies whilereceiving instruction under such a scholarship, any balance unpaid and agreedto be repaid by the holder thereof shall be deemed paid, and no liabilityshall be attached to his estate.
(1970, c. 620; 1972, c. 188.)