§ 23-49.13. Property transferred to visitors and owned by Commonwealth; giftsor bequests.
All the real estate and personal property now existing and heretofore (beforeJune 27, 1966) standing in the name of the corporate body designated"Norfolk College," located in Norfolk, and heretofore exclusively used bythe Norfolk College, shall be transferred to and be known and taken asstanding in the name, and to be under the control, of the corporate bodydesignated "The Visitors of Old Dominion University." Such real estate andpersonal property shall be the property of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Every gift, grant, devise or bequest heretofore or hereafter made to OldDominion University, for any purpose or purposes, designated by the donor,the corporation is empowered to receive, take, hold and enjoy the same forthe uses and purposes designated by the donor if he or she shall sodesignate, or for the general purposes of the corporation when the gift,grant, devise or bequest is not so designated, whether the same be givendirectly to the corporation, or to trustees for its benefit.
(1962, c. 69; 1966, c. 18; 1974, c. 317.)