§ 23-49.14. Appointment of visitors generally; number and terms; vacancies;confirmation.
(a) The board of visitors is to consist of seventeen members to be appointedby the Governor, three of whom may be nonresidents of the Commonwealth ofVirginia and at least three of whom shall be alumni of Old DominionUniversity.
(b) Prior to July 1, 1980, the Governor shall appoint successors to themembers whose terms expire in 1980 for terms of four years and fouradditional members, one for a term of one year, one for a term of two years,one for a term of three years and one for a term of four years. Annuallythereafter, the Governor shall appoint members to fill vacancies caused bythe expiration of terms for terms of four years.
(c) All vacancies, whether occasioned by failure to make an appointmentwithin the sixty days preceding any regular expiration as required, orotherwise, are to be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term.
(d) All appointments are subject to confirmation by the General Assembly ifin session when such appointments are made, and if not in session, then atits next succeeding session. Visitors shall continue to discharge theirduties after their terms have expired until their successors have beenappointed and have qualified.
(1962, c. 69; 1966, c. 18; 1970, c. 624; 1980, c. 100.)