§ 23-49.22:1. Center for graduate and undergraduate studies authorized;executive director.
A. In addition to such powers conferred by this chapter and Chapter 13.1 (§23-174.1 et seq.) of this title, the boards of visitors of Old DominionUniversity and Norfolk State University shall be empowered to jointlyestablish, from such funds as may be appropriated or received, and tosupervise and control a center for graduate and undergraduate studies toserve the Cities of Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk. The boards ofvisitors may enter into agreements for the sharing of faculty and equipmentfor the operation of the center.
B. The boards may appoint an executive director for the center, who shallperform the specific duties imposed by the boards of visitors and shallemploy such personnel and contract for such services as may be required forthe operation of the center.
(1992, cc. 176, 436.)