§ 23-40. Property transferred to College of William and Mary and owned byState.
All the real estate and personal property relating to the College of Williamand Mary in Virginia, in Williamsburg, or relating to the Richard BlandCollege in Petersburg now existing and standing in the name of the corporatebody designated "The Colleges of William and Mary" and all real estate andpersonal property standing in the name of or heretofore exclusively used bythe Virginia Institute of Marine Science shall be transferred to and be knownand taken as standing in the name, and to be under the control of thecorporate body designated "The College of William and Mary in Virginia."Such real estate and personal property shall be the property of theCommonwealth.
(Code 1919, § 936; 1960, c. 180; 1962, cc. 69, 610; 1976, c. 21; 1979, c.294.)