§ 23-49.1. Constituent colleges; administration, bylaws, titles, etc.
A. The College of William and Mary in Virginia, in Williamsburg, and theRichard Bland College, in Petersburg shall be subject to the supervision,management and control of the board of visitors of the College of William andMary in Virginia. Such colleges shall be separate from each other and eachcollege shall report directly to the board of visitors through the presidentin the case of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, and as the boardof visitors may direct in the case of the Richard Bland College.
B. All property, property rights, duties, contracts and agreements of thecolleges are vested in the board of visitors of the College of William andMary in Virginia. The chief executive officer of the College of William andMary in Virginia shall be the president; the title of the chief executiveofficer of the Richard Bland College shall be designated by the board ofvisitors. The board of visitors of the College of William and Mary inVirginia is charged with the care and preservation of all property belongingto the colleges. With respect to the Richard Bland College, the board ofvisitors shall have the same powers as to fixing tuitions, fees, and othercharges, as to the appointment and removal of administrative officers,professors, agents and employees, and the making of rules and regulations, asare now vested in them with respect to the College of William and Mary inVirginia.
C. Appropriations directly and indirectly from the Commonwealth to thecolleges shall be expended as directed by the board of visitors of theCollege of William and Mary in Virginia.
D. The board of visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia isauthorized and directed to prepare the bylaws for the colleges and to publishthe same and to define the functions of the colleges, and to specify theresponsibilities of the chief executive officers, all professors, teachersand agents of the colleges, as the board may deem necessary.
E. The board of visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia shalldesignate the organizational channel of coordination and supervision of theRichard Bland College for administration by the board of visitors.
F. The use of the library of the College of William and Mary in Virginia, inWilliamsburg, shall be granted to the students and faculty of ChristopherNewport University.
G. The board of visitors of the College of William and Mary in Virginia shallmake cooperative agreements with the board of visitors of Christopher NewportUniversity for the sharing of faculty and of laboratory and other facilities.
(1958, c. 15; 1960, cc. 56, 180; 1962, cc. 69, 610; 1966, cc. 14, 707; 1976,c. 21; 1992, c. 103.)