§ 23-50.16:12. Eminent domain.
The Authority may exercise the power of eminent domain pursuant to theprovisions of Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 et seq.) of Title 25.1 to acquire bycondemnation any real property, including fixtures and improvements, which itmay deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, upon itsadoption of a resolution declaring that the acquisition of such property isin the public interest and necessary for public use and upon the approval ofthe Governor. The Authority may acquire property already devoted to a publicuse, provided that no property belonging to any city, town or county,government or to any religious corporation, unincorporated church orcharitable corporation may be acquired without its consent.
(1996, cc. 905, 1046; 2003, c. 940; 2006, c. 673.)