§ 23-50.16:18. Capital projects.
A. All capital projects shall be approved by the Board. Within thirty daysafter approval of any capital project in excess of $5 million, the Boardshall notify the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees of thescope, cost, and construction schedule of the proposed capital project. TheBoard may undertake the project unless objections are raised by eitherCommittee within thirty days of the notification. If objections are made, theAuthority may not undertake the project until the objections are resolved.
B. No capital project that has been presented to the Committees withoutobjection, no capital project for which objections were raised and resolved,and no capital project for which construction has commenced shall bematerially increased in size or materially changed in scope without followingthe procedure of subsection A of this section.
C. Notwithstanding any laws or regulations to the contrary, the Authorityshall not be subject to any further process or procedure that requires thesubmission, review or approval of any capital project; however, the Authorityshall ensure that BOCA Code and fire safety inspections of any capitalproject are conducted and that such projects are inspected by the State FireMarshal or his designee prior to certification for building occupancy.
(1996, cc. 905, 1046.)