§ 23-50.16:4. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings,unless the context requires otherwise:
"Authority" means the Virginia Commonwealth University Health SystemAuthority.
"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Authority.
"Bonds" means bonds, notes, revenue certificates, lease participationcertificates or other evidences of indebtedness or deferred purchasefinancing arrangements.
"Costs" means costs of construction, reconstruction, renovation, site workand acquisition of lands, structures, rights-of-way, franchises, easementsand other property rights and interests; costs of demolition, removal orrelocation of buildings or structures; costs of labor, materials, machineryand all other kinds of equipment; financing charges; costs of engineering andinspections; costs of financial, legal and accounting services; costs ofplans, specifications, studies, and surveys; estimates of costs and ofrevenues; feasibility studies and administrative expenses, includingadministrative expenses during the start-up of any project; costs of issuanceof bonds, including printing, engraving, advertising, legal and other similarexpenses; credit enhancement and liquidity facility fees; fees for interestrate caps, collars, swaps or other financial derivative products; interest onbonds in connection with a project prior to and during construction oracquisition thereof and for a period not exceeding one year thereafter;provisions for working capital to be used in connection with any project;redemption premiums, obligations purchased to provide for the payment ofbonds being refunded and other costs necessary or incident to refunding ofbonds; operating and maintenance reserve funds, debt reserve funds and otherreserves for the payment of principal and interest on bonds; and all otherexpenses necessary, desirable or incidental to the operation of theAuthority's facilities or the construction, reconstruction, renovation,acquisition or financing of projects or other facilities or equipmentappropriate for carrying out the purposes of this chapter and the placing ofthe same in operation; or the refunding of bonds.
"Chief executive officer" means the chief executive officer of the VirginiaCommonwealth University Health System Authority.
"Hospital facilities" means all property or rights in property, real andpersonal, tangible and intangible, including all facilities suitable forproviding hospital and health care services and including any and allstructures, buildings, improvements, additions, extensions, replacements,appurtenances, lands, rights in land, furnishings, landscaping, approaches,roadways and other related and supporting facilities, now or hereafter owned,leased, operated or used, in whole or in part, by Virginia CommonwealthUniversity as part of, or in connection with, the Medical College of VirginiaHospitals in the normal course of its operations as a teaching, research andmedical treatment facility.
"Hospital obligations" means all debts or other obligations, contingent orcertain, owing to any person or other entity on the transfer date, arisingout of the operation of the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals as amedical treatment facility or arising out of the financing or refinancing ofhospital facilities, and including all bonds and other debts for the purchaseof goods and services, whether or not delivered, and obligations for thedelivery of services, whether or not performed.
"Project" means any health care, research or educational facility orequipment necessary or convenient to or consistent with the purposes of theAuthority, whether or not owned by the Authority, including, withoutlimitation, hospitals; nursing homes; continuing care facilities; self-carefacilities; wellness and health maintenance centers; medical officefacilities; clinics; out-patient clinics; surgical centers; alcohol,substance abuse, and drug treatment centers; laboratories; sanitariums;hospices; facilities for the residence or care of the elderly, thehandicapped, or the chronically ill; residential facilities for nurses,interns, and physicians; other kinds of facilities for the treatment of sick,disturbed, or infirm persons or the prevention of disease or maintenance ofhealth; colleges, schools or divisions offering undergraduate or graduateprograms for the health professions and sciences and such other branches oflearning as may be appropriate, together with research, training, andteaching facilities; all related and supporting facilities and equipmentnecessary or desirable in connection therewith or incidental thereto; orequipment alone, including, without limitation, parking, kitchen, laundry,laboratory, wellness, pharmaceutical, administrative, communications,computer, and recreational facilities; power plants and equipment; storagespace; mobile medical facilities; vehicles; air transport equipment and otherequipment necessary or desirable for the transportation of medical equipment,medical personnel or patients; and all lands, buildings, improvements,approaches and appurtenances necessary or desirable in connection with orincidental to any project.
"Transfer date" means a date or dates agreed to by the Board of Visitors ofVirginia Commonwealth University and the Authority for the transfer ofemployees to the Authority and for the transfer of hospital facilities, orany parts thereof, to and the assumption, directly or indirectly, of hospitalobligations by the Authority, which dates for the various transfers and thevarious assumptions may be different, but in no event shall any date be laterthan June 30, 1997.
"University" means Virginia Commonwealth University.
(1996, cc. 905, 1046; 2000, c. 720.)