§ 23-52. Certain statutes continued in force.
The second through seventh clauses of section one, and the second section ofthe act entitled "an act to give effect to a compromise of the litigation inrespect to the construction and effect of the will of Samuel Miller,deceased, and to establish the manual labor school provided for in thetwenty-fifth clause of the said will," approved February 24, 1874, asamended by Chapter 258 of the Acts of 1946, approved March 25, 1946, byChapter 553 of the Acts of 1950, approved April 7, 1950, and by Chapter 462of the Acts of 1966, effective April 4, 1966; the act approved February 19,1884, amending and reenacting the fourth clause of the second section of theact approved April 2, 1877 relating to the Miller Manual Labor School ofAlbemarle; and the act to authorize the board of the Miller Manual LaborSchool to convert coupon bonds into registered bonds, approved August 23,1884, shall severally continue in force.
(Code 1919, § 1001; 1946, p. 421; 1950, c. 553.)