§ 23-91.35. Transfer of certain property.
Upon July 1, 1972, all real estate and personal property held by theUniversity of Mary Washington prior to its union with the rector and visitorsof the University of Virginia; control of the real estate acquired fromCorinne Lawton Melchers and known as "Belmont" (see Chapter 51 of the Actsof Assembly, 1960), and the real estate known as the James Monroe Law Office- Museum and Memorial Library (see Chapter 641 of the Acts of Assembly,1964), together with the personal property associated with the respectivereal estate, all of such real and personal properties existing and standingin the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia but controlled by the rector andvisitors of the University of Virginia; and all real and personal propertyacquired in the name of the rector and visitors of the University of Virginiafor the use of the University of Mary Washington during the time in which theUniversity of Mary Washington was a part of the University of Virginia,hereby is transferred to and shall be known and taken as standing in the nameand under the control of the rector and visitors of the University of MaryWashington (the term "control" shall include, without limitation,"management, control, operation and maintenance"). Such real estate andpersonal property shall be the property of the Commonwealth.
(1972, c. 861; 1977, c. 168; 2004, cc. 176, 195.)