§ 23-91.37. Appointment of visitors from nominees of alumni association.
(a) The Governor may, if his discretion so dictates, appoint visitors from alist of qualified persons submitted to him by the alumni association of theUniversity of Mary Washington on or before the first day of December of anyyear next preceding a year in which the terms of any of such visitors willexpire.
(b) Whenever a vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of term, theGovernor shall certify this fact to the association and nominations may besubmitted of qualified persons. The Governor may fill the vacancy, if hisdiscretion so dictates, from among the eligible nominees of the association,whether or not alumni or alumnae.
(c) Every such list of prospective appointees shall contain at least threenames for each vacancy to be filled.
(d) The Governor is not to be limited in his appointments to the persons sonominated.
(e) At no time shall fewer than six of the members of the board be alumni oralumnae of the University.
(1972, c. 861; 2004, cc. 176, 195.)