§ 24.2-210. Election and term of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and AttorneyGeneral.
The qualified voters of the Commonwealth shall elect the Governor, LieutenantGovernor, and Attorney General at the general election in November 1997, andevery fourth year thereafter for terms of four years, to commence on theSaturday after the second Wednesday in January following their election.
The person having the highest number of votes for each office shall bedeclared elected. If two or more have the highest and an equal number ofvotes for an office, one of them shall be chosen for the office by a majorityof the total membership of the General Assembly.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-148, 24-149; 1962, c. 536; 1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-80,24.1-81; 1971, Ex. Sess., cc. 119, 131; 1993, c. 641.)