§ 24.2-217. Election and terms of constitutional officers.
The qualified voters of each county shall elect a sheriff, an attorney forthe Commonwealth, a treasurer, and a commissioner of the revenue at thegeneral election in November 1995, and every four years thereafter unless acounty has adopted an optional form of government which provides that theoffice be abolished or a county's charter so provides. The qualified votersof each city, unless its charter provides otherwise, shall elect a sheriff,an attorney for the Commonwealth, a treasurer, and a commissioner of therevenue at the general election in November 1997, and every four yearsthereafter. All shall hold office for a term of four years beginning theJanuary 1 next succeeding their election.
The qualified voters of the several counties shall elect a clerk of thecircuit court of the county at the general election in November 1999, andevery eight years thereafter. The qualified voters of each city having acircuit court shall elect a clerk of the circuit court at the November 1995,general election and every eight years thereafter. They shall hold officefor a term of eight years beginning the January 1 next succeeding theirelection.
If a county and city share any of the offices to which this section applies,the qualified voters of the city shall cast their votes for that officeaccording to the schedule set forth above for counties.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-154, 24-155, 24-161, 24-162, 24-167; 1970, c. 462, §§24.1-86, 24.1-87; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 119; 1979, c. 522; 1993, c. 641.)