§ 24.2-236. Suspension from office pending hearing and appeal.
In the event of a judicial proceeding under §§ 24.2-231, 24.2-232, 24.2-233,or 24.2-234, the circuit court may enter an order suspending the officerpending the hearing. The court may, in its discretion, continue thesuspension until the matter is finally disposed of in the Supreme Court orotherwise. During the suspension the court may appoint some suitable personto act in the officer's place. The officer's compensation shall be withheldand kept in a separate account and paid to him if and when the judicialproceedings result in his favor. Otherwise, it shall be paid back to thecounty, city, town or State Treasurer who paid it.
(1975, cc. 515, 595, § 24.1-79.8; 1993, c. 641.)