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24.2-302.1 - Congressional districts.

§ 24.2-302.1. Congressional districts.

A. There shall be eleven Virginia members of the United States House ofRepresentatives elected from eleven congressional districts and each districtis entitled to representation by one representative.

B. All references in this section to counties and cities shall be interpretedto refer to those in existence on April 1, 2001, and as reported by theUnited States Bureau of the Census in the 2000 Census reports providedpursuant to United States Public Law § 94-171, notwithstanding subsequentboundary changes by law, annexation, merger, consolidation, or the voiding ofboundary changes theretofore made final.

C. Parts of counties and cities listed in subsection D are defined byreference to the 2000 Census reports for the precincts, parts of precincts,and blocks listed for each congressional district in the Statistical Reporton file with the Clerk of the Senate for the Act of Assembly containing thefinal enactment of this section.

D. The eleven congressional districts are:

First. All of Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King George, King William,Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northumberland, Richmond, Stafford,Westmoreland, and York Counties; all of the Cities of Fredericksburg,Poquoson, and Williamsburg; part of Caroline County comprised of the BowlingGreen, Port Royal, Woodford, and Mattaponi Precincts; part of Fauquier Countycomprised of the Kettle Run, Catlett, Casanova, Lois, Morrisville, Remington,Opal, and Waterloo Precincts and part of the Baldwin Ridge Precinct; part ofJames City County comprised of the Berkeley A, Berkeley B, Jamestown A,Jamestown B, Jamestown C, Powhatan A, Powhatan B, Stonehouse A, Stonehouse B,Roberts A Part 1, and Roberts A Part 2 Precincts and part of the Roberts BPrecinct; part of Prince William County comprised of the Dumfries, Potomac,Graham Park, Quantico, Washington-Reid, and Rippon Precincts; part ofSpotsylvania County comprised of the Travelers Rest, Grange Hall, Plank Road,Summit, Frazers Gate, Salem, Battlefield, and Brent's Mill Precincts and partof the Maury Precinct; part of the City of Hampton comprised of the Kraft,Magruder, Northampton, and Tucker Capps Precincts and part of the BurbankPrecinct; and part of the City of Newport News comprised of the Richneck,Windsor, Boulevard, Christopher Newport, Watkins, Hidenwood, Palmer,Saunders, Yates, Kiln Creek, Beaconsdale, Sedgefield, and South MorrisonPrecincts and parts of the Deep Creek, Hilton, Riverside, and WarwickPrecincts.

Second. All of Accomack and Northampton Counties; all of the City of VirginiaBeach; part of the City of Hampton comprised of the Lasalle, Phoebus, River,Syms, Wythe, Booker, Buckroe, Fox Hill, Kecoughtan, Langley, and PhillipsPrecincts and part of the Burbank Precinct; and part of the City of Norfolkcomprised of the Northside, Titustown Center, Zion Grace, Canterbury,Crossroads, Larchmont Library, Larchmont Recreation Center, TherapeuticCenter, Wesley, Azalea Gardens, Barron Black, Easton, Fairlawn, Houston,Bayview School, Bayview United, East Ocean View, Larrymore, Little Creek,Ocean View School, Oceanair, Tarrallton, Third Presbyterian, Ocean ViewCenter Part 1, and Ocean View Center Part 2 Precincts and part of the St.Andrew's Precinct.

Third. All of Charles City, New Kent, and Surry Counties; all of the City ofPortsmouth; part of Henrico County comprised of the Adams, Central Gardens,East Highland Park, Fairfield, Ratcliffe, Maplewood, Cedar Fork,Chickahominy, Donahoe, Eanes, Elko, Fairmount, Glen Echo, Highland Springs,Laburnum, Masonic, Town Hall, Montrose, Pleasants, Sandston, Seven Pines,Sullivans, Mehfoud, Whitlocks, Nine Mile, Dorey, and Antioch Precincts; partof Isle of Wight County comprised of part of the Rushmere Precinct; part ofJames City County comprised of part of the Roberts B Precinct; part of PrinceGeorge County comprised of the Blackwater, Brandon, Courts Bldg, and BlandPrecincts and part of the Jefferson Park Precinct; part of the City ofHampton comprised of the Aberdeen, Bassette, City Hall, Cooper, East Hampton,Lee, Pembroke, Phenix, Smith, Tarrant, Forrest, Jones, Mallory, and TylerPrecincts; part of the City of Newport News comprised of the Denbigh, Epes,Jenkins, Mcintosh, Oyster Point, Reservoir, Lee Hall, Bland, Charles,Grissom, Nelson, Sanford, Riverview, Briarfield, Carver, Chestnut, Downtown,Dunbar, Huntington, Jefferson, Magruder, Marshall, New Market, Newsome Park,Reed, River, Washington, and Wilson Precincts and parts of the Deep Creek,Hilton, Riverside, and Warwick Precincts; part of the City of Norfolkcomprised of the Granby, Tucker House, Ghent Square, Immanuel, LafayetteLibrary, Lafayette Presbyterian, Lambert's Point, Maury, Ohef Sholom, ParkPlace, Stuart, Suburban Park, Willard, Ballentine, Tanner's Creek, BowlingPark, Coleman Place School, Lafayette-Winona, Lindenwood, Monroe, NorviewMethodist, Norview Recreation Center, Rosemont, Sherwood School, UnionChapel, Berkley, Brambleton, Campostella, Chesterfield, Coleman PlacePresbyterian, Hunton Y, Ingleside, Poplar Halls, Young Park, Sherwood RecCenter Part 1, and Sherwood Rec Center Part 2 Precincts and part of the St.Andrew's Precinct; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 113,114, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 303, 304, 305, 306, 309, 402,403, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 508, 509, 510, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608,609, 610, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 802, 806, 807, 810, 811, 812,813, 902, 903, 906, and 911 Precincts and part of the 910 Precinct.

Fourth. All of Amelia, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Nottoway, Powhatan,Southampton, and Sussex Counties; all of the Cities of Chesapeake, ColonialHeights, Emporia, Franklin, Petersburg, Suffolk, and Hopewell; part ofBrunswick County comprised of the Alberta, Danieltown, Elmore, and SeymourPrecincts and part of the King's Store Precinct; part of Chesterfield Countycomprised of the Bellwood, South Chester, Enon, North Chester, Drewry'sBluff, Harrowgate, Wells, Ecoff, Point of Rocks, Dutch Gap, Iron Bridge,Gates, Beulah, Bird, Falling Creek, Meadowbrook, Salem Church, Five Forks,Ettrick, Deer Run, Matoaca, Winfrees Store, Beach, Winterpock, Walthall,Branches, Bailey Bridge, and Spring Run Precincts and parts of the Jacobs andPocahontas 307/Crenshaw 308 Precincts; part of Isle of Wight County comprisedof the Smithfield, Carrollton, Pons, Courthouse, Windsor, Orbit, Walters,Camps Mill, Carrsville, and Zuni Precincts and part of the Rushmere Precinct;and part of Prince George County comprised of the Richard Bland College,Templeton, Union Branch, and Rives Precincts and part of the Jefferson ParkPrecinct.

Fifth. All of Albemarle, Appomattox, Buckingham, Campbell, Charlotte,Cumberland, Fluvanna, Franklin, Greene, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg,Nelson, Pittsylvania, and Prince Edward Counties; all of the Cities ofBedford, Charlottesville, Danville, and Martinsville; part of Bedford Countycomprised of the Stewartsville, Hardy, Chamblissburg, Staunton River, Moneta,Mountain View, Otter Hill, Walton's Store, White House, Huddleston, ShadyGrove, Thaxton, Goode, Liberty High School, and Sign Rock Precincts; part ofBrunswick County comprised of the Brodnax, Rock Store, Tillman, Dromgoole,Edgerton, Fitzhugh, Sturgeon, and Lawrenceville Precincts and part of theKing's Store Precinct; and part of Henry County comprised of the Axton,Irisburg, Mount Olivet, Mountain Valley, Collinsville 1, Daniels Creek,Collinsville 2, Mountain View, Figsboro, Stanleytown, Oak Level, Dyers Store,and Ridgeway Precincts and part of the Fontaine Precinct.

Sixth. All of Amherst, Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Highland, Rockbridge,Rockingham, and Shenandoah Counties; all of the Cities of Buena Vista,Harrisonburg, Lexington, Lynchburg, Roanoke, Salem, Staunton, and Waynesboro;part of Alleghany County comprised of the Humpback Bridge, Dolly Ann,Callaghan, and Griffith Precincts; part of Bedford County comprised of theNew London, Forest, Jefferson, Cove, Big Island, Sedalia, Kelso, Boonsboro,and Montvale Precincts; and part of Roanoke County comprised of the GreenHill, Plantation, Burlington, Mountain View, Bonsack, Hollins, Poages Mill,Windsor Hills, Garst Mill, Oak Grove 304/Castle Rock 305, North Vinton, SouthVinton, Lindenwood, Mount Pleasant, Cotton Hill, Penn Forest, Cave Spring,Ogden, Clearbrook, Mount Vernon, and Hunting Hills Precincts and part of theGlenvar Precinct; and part of the City of Covington, comprised of thePrecinct 1-1 and parts of the 2-1 and 3-1 Precincts.

Seventh. All of Culpeper, Goochland, Hanover, Louisa, Madison, Orange, Page,and Rappahannock Counties; part of Caroline County comprised of the Madisonand Reedy Church Precincts; part of Chesterfield County comprised of theBelmont, Chippenham, Skinquarter, Tomahawk, Evergreen, Woolridge, Genito,Brandermill, Providence, Lyndale, Smoketree, Monacan, Reams, Manchester,Wagstaff, Davis, Harbour Pointe 401/Swift Creek 411, Huguenot, Crestwood,Midlothian, Robious, Bon Air, Greenfield, Salisbury, Cranbeck, Sycamore,Shenandoah, Beaufont, Watkins, and Belgrade 508/Black Heath 511 Precincts andparts of the Jacobs and Pocahontas 307/Crenshaw 308 Precincts; part ofHenrico County comprised of the Brookland, Dumbarton, Glen Allen, Glenside,Greendale, Hermitage, Hilliard, Hunton, Johnson, Lakeside, Longan, MaudeTrevvett, Moody, Staples Mill, Stratford Hall, Summit Court, Azalea,Bloomingdale, Brook Hill, Canterbury, Chamberlayne, Glen Lea, Greenwood,Highland Gardens, Hungary, Longdale, Randolph, Upham, Wilkinson, YellowTavern, Chipplegate, Landmark, Cardinal, Coalpit, Crestview, Freeman,Innsbrook, Jackson Davis, Lauderdale, Monument Hills, Ridge, Sadler,Cedarfield, Skipwith, Three Chopt, Tucker, Westwood, Causeway, Stoney Run,Byrd, Lakewood, Derbyshire, Gayton, Godwin, Maybeury, Mooreland, Pemberton,Pinchbeck, Ridgefield, Rollingwood, Spottswood, Tuckahoe, and West EndPrecincts; part of Spotsylvania County comprised of the Partlow, BlaydesCorner, Belmont, Brokenburg, Todd's Tavern, and Holbert Precincts and part ofthe Maury Precinct; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 101,102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 111, 112, 301, 302, 307, 308, 404, 409, 410, 411,412, 413, 908, and 909 Precincts and part of the 910 Precinct.

Eighth. All of Arlington County; all of the Cities of Alexandria and FallsChurch; part of Fairfax County comprised of the Reston #1, Reston #2,Westbriar, Dogwood, Hunters Woods, Reston #3, Glade, South Lakes, Terraset,Wolftrap, Sunrise Valley, North Point, Aldrin, Pimmit, Bush Hill, Cameron,Franconia, Groveton, Mount Eagle, Pioneer, Rose Hill, Virginia Hills, Beulah,Villages, Kingstowne, Van Dorn, Hayfield 406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield 413,Baileys, Glen Forest, Lincolnia, Parklawn, Westlawn, Weyanoke, Willston,Skyline, Whittier, Walnut Hill #1, Bren Mar, Edsall, Belle Haven, Belleview,Bucknell, Hollin Hall, Huntington, Kirkside, Marlan, Sherwood, Belvoir,Grosvenor, Fort Buffalo, Graham, Greenway, Marshall, Pine Spring, Shreve,Timber Lane, Woodburn, Magarity, Walnut Hill #2, and Tysons Precincts andparts of the Holmes and Westhampton Precincts.

Ninth. All of Bland, Buchanan, Carroll, Craig, Dickenson, Floyd, Giles,Grayson, Lee, Montgomery, Patrick, Pulaski, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell,Washington, Wise, and Wythe Counties; all of the Cities of Bristol, CliftonForge, Galax, Norton, and Radford; part of Alleghany County comprised of theArritt, Dameron, Low Moor, Jackson Heights Part 1, Jackson Heights Part 2,Iron Gate, and Peters Switch Precincts; part of Henry County comprised of theBassett 2, Gunville, Scott's Tanyard, Fieldale, Horsepasture, Spencer,Bassett 1, and Hillcrest Precincts and part of the Fontaine Precinct; part ofRoanoke County comprised of the Catawba, Mason Valley, Northside, PetersCreek, Bennett Springs, Botetourt Springs, Woodlands, and Bent MountainPrecincts and part of the Glenvar Precinct; part of the City of Covingtoncomprised of the 4-1 and 5-1 Precincts and parts of the 2-1 and 3-1Precincts; and Montgomery A.

Tenth. All of Clarke, Frederick, Loudoun, and Warren Counties; all of theCities of Winchester, Manassas and Manassas Park; part of Fairfax Countycomprised of the Colvin, Fox Mill, Floris 203/Frying Pan 235, Chain Bridge,Chesterbrook, Churchill, Cooper, El Nido, Great Falls, Haycock, Kenmore,Kirby, Langley, Longfellow, Mclean, Salona, Westmoreland, Herndon #1, Herndon#2, Clearview, Forestville, Shouse, Herndon #3, Hutchison, Stuart, Sugarland,Hickory, Seneca, Centre Ridge, Chantilly, Dulles, Franklin, Greenbriar East,Greenbriar West, Kinross, London Towne, Navy, Rocky Run, Virginia Run, LeesCorner, Deer Park, and Cub Run 903/Stone 917 Precincts and part of theWesthampton Precinct; part of Fauquier County comprised of the Warrenton,Marshall, Leeds, Upperville, The Plains, New Baltimore, and Broad RunPrecincts and part of the Baldwin Ridge Precinct; and part of Prince WilliamCounty comprised of the Buckhall, Parkside, Jackson, Evergreen, Loch Lomond,Sinclair, Stonewall, Sudley, Westgate, Catharpin, Bull Run, Plantation, andMullen Precincts.

Eleventh. All of the City of Fairfax; part of Fairfax County comprised of theBristow, Chapel, Fairview, Heritage, Kings Park, Olde Creek, NorthSpringfield #1, North Springfield #2, North Springfield #3, Oak Hill,Ravensworth, Wakefield, Lake Braddock, Laurel, Sideburn, Villa, Long Branch,Robinson, Olley, Signal Hill, Bonnie Brae, Flint Hill, Vienna #1, Vienna #2,Vienna #4, Vienna #6, Crestwood, Garfield, Lynbrook, Barcroft, Belvedere,Masonville, Ravenwood, Sleepy Hollow, Saint Albans, Columbia, Hummer, BrookHill, Camelot, Poe, Ridgelea, Fort Hunt, Stratford, Waynewood, Westgate,Whitman, Woodley, Gunston, Lorton, Newington, Delong, Pohick Run, Blake,Freedom Hill, Mantua, Mosby, Price, Walker, Pine Ridge, Stenwood, Thoreau,Merrifield, Oakton, Nottoway, Penderbrook, Oak Marr, Burke, Cardinal,Clifton, Fairfax Station, Keene Mill, Pohick, Valley, Woodyard, Orange,Cherry Run, Irving, Saratoga, Terra Centre, White Oaks, Hunt, Burke Centre,Sangster, Silverbrook, West Springfield, Popes Head, Parkway, Leehigh,Newgate, Vale, Waples Mill, Centreville, Green Trails, Willow Springs,Woodson Part 1, and Woodson Part 2 Precincts and part of the Holmes Precinct;part of Prince William County comprised of the Brentsville, Armory,Nokesville, Linton Hall, Woodbine, Park, Saunders, Enterprise, Coles,Mccoart, Springwoods, King, Lodge, Westridge, Pattie, Henderson, Montclair,Haymarket, Lake Ridge, Occoquan, Old Bridge, Rockledge, Mohican, Bethel,Chinn, Dale, Neabsco, Godwin, Civic Center, Minnieville, Bel Air, Kerrydale,Belmont, Library, Lynn, Featherstone, Potomac View, and Kilby Precincts; andFairfax A.

(2001, Sp. Sess. I, c. 7.)

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