§ 24.2-303.1. Senatorial districts.
A. There shall be forty members of the Senate of Virginia elected from fortysenatorial districts and each district is entitled to representation by onesenator.
B. All references in this section to boundaries of counties and cities shallbe interpreted to refer to those in existence on April 1, 2001, and asreported by the United States Bureau of the Census in the 2000 Census reportsprovided pursuant to United States Public Law §§ 94-171, notwithstandingsubsequent boundary changes by law, annexation, merger, consolidation, or thevoiding of boundary changes theretofore made final.
C. Parts of counties and cities listed in subsection D are defined byreference to the 2000 Census reports for the precincts, parts of precincts,and blocks listed for each senatorial district in the Statistical Report forenrolled Senate Bill 1 on file with the Clerk of the Senate.
D. The forty senatorial districts are:
First. All of the City of Poquoson; part of York County comprised of theCoventry, Tabb, and Bethel Precincts; part of the City of Hampton comprisedof the Syms, Booker, Buckroe, Burbank, Fox Hill, and Phillips Precincts andpart of the Langley Precinct; and part of the City of Newport News comprisedof the Denbigh, Epes, Jenkins, Oyster Point, Richneck, Windsor, Bland,Boulevard, Charles, Christopher Newport, Deep Creek, Watkins, Grissom,Hidenwood, Hilton, Palmer, Riverside, Sanford, Saunders, Warwick, Yates,Riverview, Kiln Creek, Beaconsdale, and Sedgefield Precincts.
Second. Part of the City of Hampton comprised of the Aberdeen, Bassette, CityHall, Cooper, East Hampton, LaSalle, Lee, Pembroke, Phenix, Phoebus, River,Smith, Tarrant, Wythe, Forrest, Jones, Kecoughtan, Kraft, Magruder, Mallory,Northampton, Tucker Capps, and Tyler Precincts and part of the LangleyPrecinct; part of the City of Newport News comprised of the Briarfield,Carver, Chestnut, Downtown, Dunbar, Huntington, Jefferson, Magruder,Marshall, New Market, Newsome Park, Reed, River, South Morrison, Washington,and Wilson Precincts; part of the City of Portsmouth comprised of theThirty-Seven/Thirty-Eight Precinct; and part of the City of Suffolk comprisedof the Harbour View Precinct.
Third. All of Gloucester, James City, and New Kent Counties; all of the Cityof Williamsburg; part of York County comprised of the Queens Lake, Yorktown,Waller Mill, Nelson, Magruder, Seaford, Harris Grove, Edgehill, Dare, andHarwoods Mill Precincts; and part of the City of Newport News comprised ofthe Mcintosh, Reservoir, Lee Hall, and Nelson Precincts.
Fourth. All of Caroline, Essex, Hanover, King and Queen, King William, andMiddlesex Counties; and part of Spotsylvania County comprised of the Partlow,Blaydes Corner, Travelers Rest, Summit, and Battlefield Precincts.
Fifth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Crestwood, Georgetown,Oaklette, South Norfolk Fire Station, Carver School, and Providence Church ofChrist Precincts; part of the City of Norfolk comprised of the Canterbury,Ghent Square, Immanuel, Lafayette Library, Lafayette Presbyterian, Lambert'sPoint, Larchmont Library, Larchmont Recreation Center, Maury, Ohef Sholom,Park Place, St. Andrews, Stuart, Ballentine, Tanner's Creek, Bowling Park,Coleman Place School, Lafayette-Winona, Lindenwood, Monroe, NorviewMethodist, Norview Recreation Center, Rosemont, Sherwood School, UnionChapel, Berkley, Brambleton, Campostella, Chesterfield, Coleman PlacePresbyterian, Easton, Fairlawn, Hunton Y, Ingleside, Poplar Halls, YoungPark, Sherwood Rec Center Part 1, and Sherwood Rec Center Part 2 Precincts;and part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the College Park, SherryPark, and Baker Precincts.
Sixth. All of Accomack, Mathews, and Northampton Counties; part of the Cityof Norfolk comprised of the Granby, Northside, Titustown Center, TuckerHouse, Zion Grace, Crossroads, Suburban Park, Therapeutic Center, Wesley,Willard, Azalea Gardens, Barron Black, Houston, Bayview School, BayviewUnited, East Ocean View, Larrymore, Little Creek, Ocean View School,Oceanair, Tarrallton, Third Presbyterian, Ocean View Center Part 1, and OceanView Center Part 2 Precincts; and part of the City of Virginia Beachcomprised of parts of the Lake Smith, Bayside, and Chesapeake Beach Precincts.
Seventh. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the Kingston, Mt.Trashmore, Malibu, Old Donation, Aragona, Ocean Park, Thoroughgood, DavisCorner, Point O' View, Arrowhead, Larkspur, Providence, Thalia, Witchduck,Pembroke, Bonney, Brandon, Bellamy, Centerville, Stratford Chase, Homestead,Shannon, Meadows, Forest, Colonial, Shell, Round Hill, and Woodstock(25)/Fairfield (26) Precincts and parts of the Lake Smith, Bayside,Chesapeake Beach, Little Neck, and Rosemont Forest Precincts.
Eighth. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the North Beach,South Beach, Linkhorn, Alanton, London Bridge, Cape Henry, Plaza, Holland,Capps Shop, Windsor Oaks, Kings Grant, Wolfsnare, Lynnhaven, Oceana, MagicHollow, Landstown, Hunt, Eastern Shore, Hilltop, Strawbridge, Ocean Lakes(3)/Red Wing (30)/Sigma (31)/Culver (63), Seatack (5)/Rudee (72), andTrantwood (9)/Great Neck (10) Precincts and parts of the Courthouse andLittle Neck Precincts.
Ninth. All of Charles City County; part of Henrico County comprised of theBrookland, Adams, Azalea, Brook Hill, Central Gardens, Chamberlayne, EastHighland Park, Fairfield, Glen Lea, Greenwood, Highland Gardens, Hungary,Longdale, Ratcliffe, Upham, Wilkinson, Yellow Tavern, Maplewood, Landmark,Cedar Fork, Chickahominy, Donahoe, Eanes, Elko, Fairmount, Glen Echo,Highland Springs, Laburnum, Masonic, Town Hall, Montrose, Pleasants,Sandston, Seven Pines, Sullivans, Mehfoud, Whitlocks, Nine Mile, Dorey, andAntioch Precincts; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 206,208, 211, 212, 213, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 402, 403, 404,412, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 508, 602, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608, 701, and 909Precincts.
Tenth. All of Amelia and Powhatan Counties; part of Chesterfield Countycomprised of the Skinquarter, Tomahawk, Evergreen, Woolridge, Brandermill,Smoketree, Monacan, Reams, Huguenot, Crestwood, Midlothian, Robious, Bon Air,Greenfield, Salisbury, Cranbeck, Sycamore, Shenandoah, Beaufont, Watkins, andBelgrade 508/Black Heath 511 Precincts; part of Cumberland County comprisedof the Precinct 1-1, Precinct 1-2, Precinct 2, and Precinct 3 Precincts andpart of the Precinct 4 Precinct; part of Goochland County comprised of theFife, Hadensville, Three Square, Sandy Hook, and Goochland Court HousePrecincts; part of Henrico County comprised of the Monument Hills Precinct;and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 203, 204, 207, 409, 410, 411, and 413 Precincts.
Eleventh. All of the City of Colonial Heights; and part of ChesterfieldCounty comprised of the South Chester, North Chester, Harrowgate, Wells,Ecoff, Iron Bridge, Gates, Beulah, Bird, Jacobs, Falling Creek, Belmont,Chippenham, Meadowbrook, Salem Church, Five Forks, Ettrick, Deer Run,Matoaca, Winfrees Store, Beach, Winterpock, Walthall, Branches, BaileyBridge, Spring Run, Pocahontas 307/Crenshaw 308, Genito, Providence, Lyndale,Manchester, Wagstaff, Davis, and Harbour Pointe 401/Swift Creek 411 Precincts.
Twelfth. Part of Goochland County comprised of the Centerville and ManakinPrecincts; part of Henrico County comprised of the Dumbarton, Glen Allen,Glenside, Greendale, Hermitage, Hilliard, Hunton, Johnson, Lakeside, Longan,Maude Trevvett, Moody, Staples Mill, Stratford Hall, Summit Court,Bloomingdale, Canterbury, Randolph, Chipplegate, Cardinal, Coalpit,Crestview, Freeman, Innsbrook, Jackson Davis, Lauderdale, Ridge, Sadler,Cedarfield, Skipwith, Three Chopt, Tucker, Westwood, Causeway, Stoney Run,Byrd, Lakewood, Derbyshire, Gayton, Godwin, Maybeury, Mooreland, Pemberton,Pinchbeck, Ridgefield, Rollingwood, Spottswood, Tuckahoe, and West EndPrecincts; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 309 Precinct.
Thirteenth. All of Surry County; part of Isle of Wight County comprised ofthe Smithfield, Carrolton, Rushmere, Pons, Courthouse, Windsor, Orbit,Walters, Carrsville, and Zuni Precincts; part of Prince George Countycomprised of the Templeton, Blackwater, Brandon, Courts Bldg, and BlandPrecincts; part of Southampton County comprised of the Berlin, Ivor, Sebrell,Hunterdale, Courtland, and Sedley Precincts; part of the City of Chesapeakecomprised of the Churchland, Jolliff One, Fellowship Baptist Church,Silverwood, Taylor Road Fire Station, Bailey Creek, and Nansemond Precincts;part of the City of Franklin comprised of the Precinct 1-1, Precinct 2-1, andPrecinct 6-1 Precincts; part of the City of Hopewell comprised of the Ward 2,Ward 3, Ward 4, Ward 5, and Ward 1 Precincts; part of the City of Portsmouthcomprised of the Ten, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Nine,Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, andThirty-Six Precincts; and part of the City of Suffolk comprised of theYeates, Driver, Ebenezer, Chuckatuck, King's Fork, Kilby's Mill, Holland,Lakeside, Elephant's Fork, Nansemond River, and Lake Meade Precincts.
Fourteenth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Great Bridge,Bethel, Deep Creek, Greenbrier, Bells Mill, Geneva Park, Gilmerton, B. M.Williams School, Hickory Grove, Indian Creek, Indian River, NorfolkHighlands, Oak Grove, Tanglewood, Westover, Hickory Middle School, GreatBridge Middle School, Bridgetown, Lake Drummond, River Birch, John T. West,Parkways, Pleasant Crossing, Bells Mill II, Green Sea, Grassfield Part 1, andGrassfield Part 2 Precincts; and part of the City of Virginia Beach comprisedof the Creeds, Blackwater, Timberlake, Green Run, Salem, Glenwood, and DahliaPrecincts and parts of the Courthouse and Rosemont Forest Precincts.
Fifteenth. All of Appomattox, Charlotte, Fluvanna, Halifax, Mecklenburg, andPrince Edward Counties; part of Amherst County comprised of the Wright Shop,New Glasgow, and Courthouse Precincts and part of the Temperance Precinct;part of Brunswick County comprised of the Brodnax, Rock Store, Tillman, andDromgoole Precincts; part of Buckingham County comprised of the New Canton,White Hall, Curdsville, New Store, Maysville, Wrights, Slate River, and GoldHill Precincts; part of Cumberland County comprised of the Precinct 5Precinct and part of the Precinct 4 Precinct; and part of Lunenburg Countycomprised of the Plymouth, Brown's Store, McCoy Ghee's Store, Arrowhead GunClub, Pleasant Grove, Reedy Creek, Peoples Community Center, Meherrin FireDept, and Courthouse Precincts.
Sixteenth. All of Dinwiddie County; all of the City of Petersburg; part ofChesterfield County comprised of the Bellwood, Enon, Drewry's Bluff, Point ofRocks, and Dutch Gap Precincts; part of Prince George County comprised of theRichard Bland College, Union Branch, Rives, and Jefferson Park Precincts;part of the City of Hopewell comprised of the Ward 6 and Ward 7 Precincts;and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 509, 510, 609, 610, 702,703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 802, 806, 807, 810, 811, 812, 813, 902, 903, 906,908, 910, and 911 Precincts.
Seventeenth. All of Culpeper, Louisa, Madison, and Orange Counties; part ofSpotsylvania County comprised of the Grange Hall, Maury, Plank Road, FrazersGate, Belmont, Brokenburg, Todd's Tavern, Holbert, Salem, and Brent's MillPrecincts; and part of the City of Fredericksburg comprised of the District1, District 3, and District 4 Precincts and part of the District 2 Precinct.
Eighteenth. All of Greensville, Nottoway, and Sussex Counties; all of theCity of Emporia; part of Brunswick County comprised of the Edgerton,Fitzhugh, Alberta, Danieltown, Elmore, Seymour, Sturgeon, King's Store, andLawrenceville Precincts; part of Isle of Wight County comprised of the CampsMill Precinct; part of Lunenburg County comprised of the Parham's Store andHound's Creek Precincts; part of Southampton County comprised of the Boykins,Branchville, Capron, Drewryville, Forks-of-the-River, Blackwater River, andNewsoms Precincts; part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Camelot,Oscar Smith School, E. W. Chittum School, St. Julians, Johnson Park, SunrayI, Sunray II, and South Norfolk Recreation Precincts; part of the City ofFranklin comprised of the Precinct 3-1, Precinct 4-1, and Precinct 5-1Precincts; part of the City of Portsmouth comprised of the One, Five, Seven,Nine, Eleven, Thirteen, Fourteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Nineteen, Twenty,Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, and Twenty-Eight Precincts;and part of the City of Suffolk comprised of the White Marsh, John F.Kennedy, Cypress Chapel, Airport, Whaleyville, Holy Neck, Olde Towne, andHollywood Precincts.
Nineteenth. All of Franklin and Pittsylvania Counties; all of the City ofDanville; and part of Campbell County comprised of the Courthouse, MorrisChurch, Brookneal, Gladys, Staunton River, Altavista, Lynch Station, andYellow Branch Precincts and part of the Evington Precinct.
Twentieth. All of Carroll, Floyd, Henry, and Patrick Counties; all of theCities of Galax and Martinsville; part of Grayson County comprised of theIndependence, Baywood, Fairview, Oldtown, Providence, Fries Part 1, and FriesPart 2 Precincts; and part of Wythe County comprised of the Royal Oak, RuralRetreat, Evansham, Pine Ridge, Spiller, Withers, Fort Chiswell, Max Meadows,Sheffey, Huddle, Zion, and Evergreen Precincts.
Twenty-first. All of Craig and Giles Counties; all of the City of Roanoke;part of Montgomery County comprised of the A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, E-1, E-2, F-1,F-2, G-1, and G-2 Precincts; part of Pulaski County comprised of theBelspring Precinct; and part of Roanoke County comprised of the Catawba,Mason Valley, Northside, Peters Creek, Bennett Springs, Botetourt Springs,and Woodlands Precincts.
Twenty-second. All of Botetourt County; all of the Cities of Radford andSalem; part of Montgomery County comprised of the B-2, B-3, C-1, C-2, C-3,C-4, D-1, D-2, D-3 Part 1, D-4, and D-5 Precincts; part of Roanoke Countycomprised of the Glenvar, Green Hill, Plantation, Burlington, Mountain View,Bonsack, Hollins, Bent Mountain, Poages Mill, Windsor Hills, Garst Mill, OakGrove 304/Castle Rock 305, North Vinton, South Vinton, Lindenwood, MountPleasant, Cotton Hill, Penn Forest, Cave Spring, Odgen, Clearbrook, MountVernon, and Hunting Hills Precincts; and Montgomery A.
Twenty-third. All of Bedford County; all of the Cities of Bedford andLynchburg; part of Amherst County comprised of the Coolwell, Monroe, Elon,Pleasant View, Amelon, and Madison Precincts and part of the TemperancePrecinct; and part of Campbell County comprised of the Brookville, NewLondon, White's Church, Bedford Springs, Walker, Concord, Kings, Airport, andSpring Hill Precincts and part of the Evington Precinct.
Twenty-fourth. All of Augusta, Greene, and Highland Counties; all of theCities of Lexington, Staunton, and Waynesboro; part of Albemarle Countycomprised of the Crozet and Free Union Precincts; part of Rockbridge Countycomprised of the Highland Belle, Vo-Tech, Goshen, Meadowview, RockbridgeBaths, and Rockbridge Precincts; and part of Rockingham County comprised ofthe Keezletown, Mill Creek, Massanetta Springs, Montezuma, Mt. Crawford,Grottoes, North River, Elkton, Swift Run, McGaheysville, and South ForkPrecincts.
Twenty-fifth. All of Alleghany, Bath, and Nelson Counties; all of the Citiesof Buena Vista, Charlottesville, Clifton Forge, and Covington; parts ofAlbemarle County comprised of the Woodbrook, Commonwealth, Branchlands,Agnor-Hurt, Jack Jouett, University Hall, Ivy, East Ivy, North Garden302/Batesville 303, Scottsville, Monticello, Porter's, Covesville, Cale,Keswick, Stony Point, Hollymead, Free Bridge, and Earlysville Precincts; partof Buckingham County comprised of the Glenmore Precinct; and part ofRockbridge County comprised of the Airport, Ben Salem, Fancy Hill, Effinger,Collierstown, Glasgow, Natural Bridge, Fairfield, Mountain View, and VesuviusPrecincts.
Twenty-sixth. All of Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, and Warren Counties; allof the City of Harrisonburg; and part of Rockingham County comprised of theBroadway, Timberville, Fulks Run, Bergton, Lacey Spring, Singers Glen, Edom,Melrose, Tenth Legion, Dayton, Turner Ashby (Silver Lake), Ottobine, Mt.Clinton, and Bridgewater Precincts.
Twenty-seventh. All of Clarke and Frederick Counties; all of the City ofWinchester; part of Fauquier County comprised of the Kettle Run, Casanova,Warrenton, Baldwin Ridge, Remington, Opal, Marshall, Leeds, Waterloo,Upperville, The Plains, New Baltimore, and Broad Run Precincts; and part ofLoudoun County comprised of the Middleburg, St. Louis, Purcellville, RoundHill, Hillsboro, Hamilton, Philomont, Lovettsville, Waterford, Lucketts,Between the Hills, Greenway, and Dry Mill Precincts and part of the AldiePrecinct.
Twenty-eighth. All of King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond,Stafford, and Westmoreland Counties; part of Fauquier County comprised of theCatlett, Lois, and Morrisville Precincts; part of Prince William Countycomprised of part of the Quantico Precinct; and part of the City ofFredericksburg comprised of part of the District 2 Precinct.
Twenty-ninth. All of the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park; part of PrinceWilliam County comprised of the Brentsville, Armory, Nokesville, Parkside,Jackson, Linton Hall, Woodbine, Park, Saunders, Enterprise, Coles, King,Dumfries, Graham Park, Pattie, Washington-Reid, Montclair, Evergreen,Haymarket, Loch Lomond, Sinclair, Stonewall, Sudley, Westgate, Catharpin,Bull Run, Plantation, Mullen, and Kerrydale Precincts and part of theQuantico Precinct.
Thirtieth. Part of Arlington County comprised of the Arlington, Aurora Hills,Crystal City, Hume, Columbia, Fairlington, Virginia Highlands, Abingdon,Fillmore, Claremont, Glebe, Oakridge, Arlington View, and ShirlingtonPrecincts; part of Fairfax County comprised of the Mount Eagle, Belle Haven,Belleview, Huntington, Marlan, and Grosvenor Precincts and parts of theGroveton and Hayfield 406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield 413 Precincts; and part ofthe City of Alexandria comprised of the Annie B. Rose House, City Hall, LylesCrouch School, Jefferson Houston School, Lee Center, Cora Kelly Center, Mt.Vernon Recreation Center, George Washington School, George Mason School,Agudas Achim Synagogue, Temple Beth El Synagogue, Maury School 201/BlessedSacrament Church 204, and Second Presbyterian 205/Howard 9th Grade Center 206Precincts.
Thirty-first. All of the City of Falls Church; part of Arlington Countycomprised of the Ashton Heights, Ballston, Barcroft, Cherrydale, Wilson, EastFalls Church, Glen Carlyn, Clarendon, Lyon Park, Lyon Village, OverleeKnolls, Park Lane, Rosslyn, Thrifton, Westover, Woodlawn, Arlington Forest,Jefferson, Dominion Hills, Lexington, Rock Spring, Yorktown, Madison,Marshall, Nottingham, Ashlawn, Virginia Square, and Woodbury Precincts; andpart of Fairfax County comprised of the Baileys, Barcroft, Glen Forest,Holmes, Ravenwood, Willston, Skyline, and Fort Buffalo Precincts.
Thirty-second. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Reston #1, Reston #2,Dogwood, Hunters Woods, Reston #3, Glade, South Lakes, Terraset, North Point,Aldrin, Chain Bridge, Chesterbrook, Churchill, Cooper, El Nido, Great Falls,Haycock, Kenmore, Kirby, Langley, Longfellow, Mclean, Pimmit, Salona,Westhampton, Westmoreland, Herndon #1, Herndon #2, Clearview, Forestville,Herndon #3, Hutchison, Stuart, Sugarland, Hickory, Seneca, Marshall,Magarity, and Tysons Precincts.
Thirty-third. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Fox Mill, Floris203/Frying Pan 235, Franklin, Kinross, Navy, and Lees Corner Precincts; andpart of Loudoun County comprised of the Sanders Corner, Ashburn Farm,Guilford, Forest Ridge, Simpson, Arcola, Balls Bluff, West Leesburg, EastLeesburg, Oakcrest, Sugarland North, Sugarland South, Seneca, Lowes Island,Sully, Park View, Rolling Ridge, Farmwell Station, Algonkian, AshburnVillage, Potomac, and Cascades Precincts and part of the Aldie Precinct.
Thirty-fourth. All of the City of Fairfax; part of Fairfax County comprisedof the Olde Creek, Oak Hill, Lake Braddock, Laurel, Villa, Long Branch,Robinson, Olley, Signal Hill, Colvin, Flint Hill, Vienna #1, Vienna #2,Vienna #4, Vienna #6, Westbriar, Wolftrap, Sunrise Valley, Shouse, Hummer,Camelot, Ridgelea, Blake, Freedom Hill, Mantua, Mosby, Price, Walker, PineRidge, Stenwood, Thoreau, Oakton, Nottoway, Penderbrook, Oak Marr, Vale,Waples Mill, Woodson Part 1, and Woodson Part 2 Precincts; and Fairfax A.
Thirty-fifth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Bristow, Chapel,Heritage, Kings Park, North Springfield #1, North Springfield #2, NorthSpringfield #3, Ravensworth, Wakefield, Belvedere, Lincolnia, Masonville,Parklawn, Sleepy Hollow, Saint Albans, Westlawn, Weyanoke, Columbia, BrookHill, Poe, Whittier, Walnut Hill #1, Bren Mar, Edsall, Graham, Greenway, PineSpring, Shreve, Timber Lane, Woodburn, Merrifield, and Walnut Hill #2Precincts; and part of the City of Alexandria comprised of the Hermitage,Southern Towers-Stratford, James K. Polk School, Patrick Henry School,Landmark Center, Charles E. Beatley Jr. Library, John Adams School, WilliamRamsay School, and South Port Precincts.
Thirty-sixth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Virginia Hills,Villages, Bucknell, Fort Hunt, Hollin Hall, Kirkside, Sherwood, Stratford,Waynewood, Westgate, Whitman, Woodley, Gunston, Belvoir, and Pohick RunPrecincts and parts of the Groveton and Hayfield 406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield413 Precincts; and part of Prince William County comprised of the Lodge,Potomac, Henderson, Occoquan, Bethel, Chinn, Dale, Neabsco, Godwin, CivicCenter, Minnieville, Bel Air, Belmont, Library, Lynn, Featherstone, PotomacView, Rippon, and Kilby Precincts.
Thirty-seventh. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Fairview, Sideburn,Bonnie Brae, Burke, Pohick, Valley, Orange, Cherry Run, Terra Centre, WhiteOaks, Burke Centre, Sangster, Popes Head, Parkway, Centre Ridge, Chantilly,Dulles, Greenbriar East, Greenbriar West, Leehigh, London Towne, Rocky Run,Virginia Run, Centreville, Green Trails, Deer Park, Willow Springs, and CubRun 903/Stone 917 Precincts.
Thirty-eighth. All of Bland, Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, and TazewellCounties; part of Pulaski County comprised of the New River, West Cloyd,Draper, South Pulaski, Newbern, Dublin, Hiwasee 302/Snowville 304, Massie,Walker, and Robinson Precincts; part of Smyth County comprised of theSaltville and Rich Valley Precincts; part of Wise County comprised of theAppalachia, Dorchester, Guest River, West Pound, East Pound, and St. PaulPrecincts; and part of Wythe County comprised of the Jackson MemorialPrecinct.
Thirty-ninth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Bush Hill, Cameron,Franconia, Pioneer, Rose Hill, Crestwood, Garfield, Lynbrook, Beulah,Kingstowne, Van Dorn, Lorton, Newington, Delong, Cardinal, Clifton, FairfaxStation, Keene Mill, Woodyard, Irving, Saratoga, Hunt, Silverbrook, WestSpringfield, and Newgate Precincts; and part of Prince WilIiam Countycomprised of the Buckhall, McCoart, Springwoods, Westridge, Lake Ridge, OldBridge, Rockledge, and Mohican Precincts.
Fortieth. All of Lee, Scott, and Washington Counties; all of the Cities ofBristol and Norton; part of Grayson County comprised of the Bridle Creek,Flatridge, Grant, Mouth Of Wilson, Mount Rogers, Rugby, Troutdale, ComersRock, and Elk Creek Precincts; part of Smyth County comprised of the SevenMile Ford, Chilhowie, St. Clair, East Park, West Park, Atkins, Wassona, RoyalOak East, Royal Oak West, Adwolfe, Sugar Grove, and Konnarock Precincts; andpart of Wise County comprised of the North Coeburn, Wise, Big Stone Gap, EastStone Gap, Clinch Valley, and South Coeburn Precincts.
(2001, Sp. Sess. I, c. 2.)