§ 24.2-303.2. Senatorial districts; composition of certain districts.
Subject to the provisions of subsections A, B, and C of § 24.2-303.1, thefollowing senatorial districts shall be comprised as follows. References toprecincts and parts of precincts are to precincts as listed in the 2000Census reports.
First. All of the City of Poquoson; part of York County comprised of theCoventry and Bethel Precincts and part of the Tabb Precinct; part of the Cityof Hampton comprised of the Syms, Booker, Burbank, Fox Hill, and PhillipsPrecincts and part of the Buckroe and Langley Precincts; and part of the Cityof Newport News comprised of the Denbigh, Epes, Jenkins, Oyster Point,Richneck, Windsor, Bland, Boulevard, Charles, Christopher Newport, DeepCreek, Watkins, Grissom, Hidenwood, Hilton, Palmer, Riverside, Sanford,Saunders, Warwick, Yates, Riverview, Kiln Creek, Beaconsdale, and SedgefieldPrecincts.
Second. Part of the City of Hampton comprised of the Aberdeen, Bassette, CityHall, Cooper, East Hampton, LaSalle, Lee, Pembroke, Phenix, Phoebus, River,Smith, Tarrant, Wythe, Forrest, Jones, Kecoughtan, Kraft, Magruder, Mallory,Northampton, Tucker Capps, and Tyler Precincts and part of the Buckroe andLangley Precincts; part of the City of Newport News comprised of theBriarfield, Carver, Chestnut, Downtown, Dunbar, Huntington, Jefferson,Magruder, Marshall, New Market, Newsome Park, Reed, River, South Morrison,Washington, and Wilson Precincts; part of the City of Portsmouth comprised ofthe Thirty-Seven/Thirty-Eight Precinct; and part of the City of Suffolkcomprised of the Harbour View Precinct.
Third. All of Gloucester, James City, and New Kent Counties; all of the Cityof Williamsburg; part of York County comprised of the Queens Lake, Yorktown,Waller Mill, Nelson, Magruder, Seaford, Harris Grove, Edgehill, Dare, andHarwoods Mill Precincts and part of the Tabb Precinct; and part of the Cityof Newport News comprised of the Mcintosh, Reservoir, Lee Hall, and NelsonPrecincts.
Fifth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Georgetown, Oaklette,South Norfolk Fire Station, Carver School, and Providence Church of ChristPrecincts, and parts of the Crestwood and Oak Grove Precincts; part of theCity of Norfolk comprised of the Canterbury, Ghent Square, Immanuel,Lafayette Library, Lafayette Presbyterian, Lambert's Point, LarchmontLibrary, Larchmont Recreation Center, Maury, Ohef Sholom, Park Place, St.Andrews, Stuart, Ballentine, Tanner's Creek, Bowling Park, Coleman PlaceSchool, Lafayette-Winona, Lindenwood, Monroe, Norview Methodist, NorviewRecreation Center, Rosemont, Sherwood School, Union Chapel, Berkley,Brambleton, Campostella, Chesterfield, Coleman Place Presbyterian, Easton,Fairlawn, Hunton Y, Ingleside, Poplar Halls, Young Park, Sherwood Rec CenterPart 1, and Sherwood Rec Center Part 2 Precincts; and part of the City ofVirginia Beach comprised of the College Park, Sherry Park, and BakerPrecincts.
Tenth. All of Amelia and Powhatan Counties; part of Chesterfield Countycomprised of the Skinquarter, Tomahawk, Evergreen, Woolridge, Brandermill,Smoketree, Monacan, Reams, Huguenot, Crestwood, Midlothian, Robious, Bon Air,Greenfield, Salisbury, Cranbeck, Sycamore, Shenandoah, Beaufont, Watkins, andBelgrade 508/Black Heath 511 Precincts; part of Cumberland County comprisedof the Precinct 1-1, Precinct 1-2, and Precinct 2 Precincts and part of thePrecinct 3 Precinct; part of Goochland County comprised of the Fife,Hadensville, Three Square, and Sandy Hook Precincts and part of the GoochlandCourt House Precinct; part of Henrico County comprised of the Monument HillsPrecinct; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 101, 102, 103,104, 105, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 203, 204, 207, 409, 410, 411, and 413Precincts.
Twelfth. Part of Goochland County comprised of the Centerville and ManakinPrecincts and part of the Goochland Court House Precinct; part of HenricoCounty comprised of the Dumbarton, Glen Allen, Glenside, Greendale,Hermitage, Hilliard, Hunton, Johnson, Lakeside, Longan, Maude Trevvett,Moody, Staples Mill, Stratford Hall, Summit Court, Bloomingdale, Canterbury,Randolph, Chipplegate, Cardinal, Coalpit, Crestview, Freeman, Innsbrook,Jackson Davis, Lauderdale, Ridge, Sadler, Cedarfield, Skipwith, Three Chopt,Tucker, Westwood, Causeway, Stoney Run, Byrd, Lakewood, Derbyshire, Gayton,Godwin, Maybeury, Mooreland, Pemberton, Pinchbeck, Ridgefield, Rollingwood,Spottswood, Tuckahoe, and West End Precincts; and part of the City ofRichmond comprised of the 309 Precinct.
Thirteenth. All of Surry County; part of Isle of Wight County comprised ofthe Smithfield, Carrollton, Rushmere, Pons, Courthouse, Windsor, Orbit,Walters, Carrsville, and Zuni Precincts; part of Prince George Countycomprised of the Templeton, Blackwater, Brandon, Courts Building, and BlandPrecincts; part of Southampton County comprised of the Berlin, Ivor, Sebrell,Hunterdale, Courtland, and Sedley Precincts; part of the City of Chesapeakecomprised of the Churchland, Jolliff One, Fellowship Baptist Church,Silverwood, Taylor Road Fire Station, Bailey Creek, and Nansemond Precincts;part of the City of Franklin comprised of the Precinct 1-1 Precinct and partsof the Precinct 2-1 and Precinct 6-1 Precincts; part of the City of Hopewellcomprised of the Ward 3, Ward 4, Ward 5, and Ward 1 Precincts and parts ofthe Ward 2, Ward 6, and Ward 7 Precincts; part of the City of Portsmouthcomprised of the Ten, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Nine,Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, andThirty-Six Precincts; and part of the City of Suffolk comprised of theYeates, Driver, Ebenezer, Chuckatuck, King's Fork, Kilby's Mill, Holland,Lakeside, Elephant's Fork, Nansemond River, and Lake Meade Precincts and partof the Olde Towne Precinct.
Fourteenth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Great Bridge,Bethel, Deep Creek, Greenbrier, Bells Mill, Geneva Park, Gilmerton, B. M.Williams School, Hickory Grove, Indian Creek, Indian River, NorfolkHighlands, Tanglewood, Westover, Hickory Middle School, Great Bridge MiddleSchool, Bridgetown, Lake Drummond, River Birch, John T. West, Parkways,Pleasant Crossing, Bells Mill II, Green Sea, Grassfield Part 1, andGrassfield Part 2 Precincts, and parts of the Crestwood and Oak GrovePrecincts; and part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the Creeds,Blackwater, Timberlake, Green Run, Salem, Glenwood, and Dahlia Precincts andparts of the Courthouse and Rosemont Forest Precincts.
Fifteenth. All of Appomattox, Charlotte, Fluvanna, Halifax, Mecklenburg, andPrince Edward Counties; part of Amherst County comprised of the Wright Shop,New Glasgow, Courthouse, and Temperance Precincts; part of Brunswick Countycomprised of the Tillman and Dromgoole Precincts and part of the Brodnax andRock Store Precincts; part of Buckingham County comprised of the New Canton,White Hall, Curdsville, New Store, Maysville, Wrights, and Gold HillPrecincts and part of the Glenmore and Slate River Precincts; part ofCumberland County comprised of the Precinct 4 and Precinct 5 Precincts andpart of the Precinct 3 Precinct; and part of Lunenburg County comprised ofthe Plymouth, Brown's Store, McCoy Ghee's Store, Arrowhead Gun Club, PleasantGrove, Reedy Creek, Peoples Community Center, Meherrin Fire Dept, andCourthouse Precincts.
Sixteenth. All of Dinwiddie County; all of the City of Petersburg; part ofChesterfield County comprised of the Bellwood, Enon, Drewry's Bluff, Point ofRocks, and Dutch Gap Precincts; part of Prince George County comprised of theRichard Bland College, Union Branch, Rives, and Jefferson Park Precincts;part of the City of Hopewell comprised of parts of the Ward 2, Ward 6, andWard 7 Precincts; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 509, 510,609, 610, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 802, 806, 807, 810, 811, 812, 813,902, 903, 906, 908, 910, and 911 Precincts.
Eighteenth. All of Greensville, Nottoway, and Sussex Counties; all of theCity of Emporia; part of Brunswick County comprised of the Edgerton,Fitzhugh, Alberta, Danieltown, Elmore, Seymour, Sturgeon, King's Store, andLawrenceville Precincts and part of the Brodnax and Rock Store Precincts;part of Isle of Wight County comprised of the Camps Mill Precinct; part ofLunenburg County comprised of the Parham's Store and Hound's Creek Precincts;part of Southampton County comprised of the Boykins, Branchville, Capron,Drewryville, Forks-of-the-River, Blackwater River, and Newsoms Precincts;part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Camelot, Oscar Smith School,E. W. Chittum School, St. Julians, Johnson Park, Sunray I, Sunray II, andSouth Norfolk Recreation Precincts; part of the City of Franklin comprised ofthe Precinct 3-1, Precinct 4-1, and Precinct 5-1 Precincts and parts of thePrecinct 2-1 and Precinct 6-1 Precincts; part of the City of Portsmouthcomprised of the One, Five, Seven, Nine, Eleven, Thirteen, Fourteen, Sixteen,Seventeen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Six,Twenty-Seven, and Twenty-Eight Precincts; and part of the City of Suffolkcomprised of the White Marsh, John F. Kennedy, Cypress Chapel, Airport,Whaleyville, Holy Neck, and Hollywood Precincts and part of the Olde TownePrecinct.
Twenty-third. All of Bedford County; all of the Cities of Bedford andLynchburg; part of Amherst County comprised of the Coolwell, Monroe, Elon,Pleasant View, Amelon, and Madison Precincts; and part of Campbell Countycomprised of the Brookville, New London, White's Church, Bedford Springs,Walker, Concord, Kings, Airport, and Spring Hill Precincts and part of theEvington Precinct.
Twenty-fifth. All of Alleghany, Bath, and Nelson Counties; all of the Citiesof Buena Vista, Charlottesville, Clifton Forge, and Covington; parts ofAlbemarle County comprised of the Woodbrook, Commonwealth, Branchlands,Agnor-Hurt, Jack Jouett, University Hall, Ivy, East Ivy, North Garden302/Batesville 303, Scottsville, Monticello, Porter's, Covesville, Cale,Keswick, Stony Point, Hollymead, Free Bridge, and Earlysville Precincts; partof Buckingham County comprised of part of the Glenmore and Slate RiverPrecincts; and part of Rockbridge County comprised of the Airport, Ben Salem,Fancy Hill, Effinger, Collierstown, Glasgow, Natural Bridge, Fairfield,Mountain View, and Vesuvius Precincts.
Thirty-fifth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Bristow, Chapel,Heritage, Kings Park, North Springfield #1, North Springfield #3,Ravensworth, Wakefield, Belvedere, Lincolnia, Masonville, Parklawn, SleepyHollow, Saint Albans, Westlawn, Weyanoke, Columbia, Brook Hill, Poe,Whittier, Walnut Hill #1, Bren Mar, Edsall, Graham, Greenway, Pine Spring,Shreve, Timber Lane, Woodburn, Merrifield, and Walnut Hill #2 Precincts andpart of the North Springfield #2 Precinct; and part of the City of Alexandriacomprised of the Hermitage, Southern Towers-Stratford, James K. Polk School,Patrick Henry School, Landmark Center, Charles E. Beatley Jr. Library, JohnAdams School, William Ramsay School, and South Port Precincts.
Thirty-seventh. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Fairview, Sideburn,Bonnie Brae, Burke, Pohick, Valley, Orange, Cherry Run, Terra Centre, WhiteOaks, Burke Centre, Sangster, Popes Head, Centre Ridge, Chantilly, Dulles,Greenbriar East, Greenbriar West, Leehigh, London Towne, Rocky Run, VirginiaRun, Centreville, Green Trails, Deer Park, Willow Springs, and Cub Run903/Stone 917 Precincts and part of the Parkway Precinct.
Thirty-eighth. All of Bland, Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, and TazewellCounties; part of Pulaski County comprised of the New River, West Cloyd,Draper, South Pulaski, Newbern, Dublin, Hiwasee 302/Snowville 304, Massie,Walker, and Robinson Precincts; part of Smyth County comprised of theSaltville and Rich Valley Precincts; part of Wise County comprised of theAppalachia, Dorchester, Guest River, West Pound, East Pound, and St. PaulPrecincts and part of the Big Stone Gap Precinct; and part of Wythe Countycomprised of the Jackson Memorial Precinct.
Thirty-ninth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Bush Hill, Cameron,Franconia, Pioneer, Rose Hill, Crestwood, Garfield, Lynbrook, Beulah,Kingstowne, Van Dorn, Lorton, Newington, Delong, Cardinal, Clifton, FairfaxStation, Keene Mill, Woodyard, Irving, Saratoga, Hunt, Silverbrook, WestSpringfield, and Newgate Precincts and part of the Parkway and NorthSpringfield #2 Precincts; and part of Prince WilIiam County comprised of theBuckhall, McCoart, Springwoods, Westridge, Lake Ridge, Old Bridge, Rockledge,and Mohican Precincts.
Fortieth. All of Lee, Scott, and Washington Counties; all of the Cities ofBristol and Norton; part of Grayson County comprised of the Bridle Creek,Flatridge, Grant, Mouth of Wilson, Mount Rogers, Rugby, Troutdale, ComersRock, and Elk Creek Precincts; part of Smyth County comprised of the SevenMile Ford, Chilhowie, St. Clair, East Park, West Park, Atkins, Wassona, RoyalOak East, Royal Oak West, Adwolfe, Sugar Grove, and Konnarock Precincts; andpart of Wise County comprised of the North Coeburn, Wise, East Stone Gap,Clinch Valley, and South Coeburn Precincts and part of the Big Stone GapPrecinct.
All other Senatorial districts shall be comprised as provided in § 24.2-303.1.
(2003, c. 824; 2004, cc. 389, 424, 451, 932; 2007, c. 166.)