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24.2-304.01 - House of Delegates districts.

§ 24.2-304.01. House of Delegates districts.

A. There shall be 100 members of the House of Delegates elected from 100House of Delegates districts and each district is entitled to representationby one delegate.

B. All references in this section to boundaries of counties and cities shallbe interpreted to refer to those in existence on April 1, 2001, and asreported by the United States Bureau of the Census in the 2000 Census reportsprovided pursuant to United States Public Law §§ 94-171, notwithstandingsubsequent boundary changes by law, annexation, merger, consolidation, or thevoiding of boundary changes theretofore made final.

C. Parts of counties and cities listed in subsection D are defined byreference to the 2000 Census reports for the precincts, parts of precincts,and blocks listed for each House of Delegates district in the amendedStatistical Report for the House Bill 1 Senate Committee Amendment in theNature of a Substitute (Line Amendment Northampton Precinct Plan 175) LD0278796 on file with the Clerk of the House of Delegates.

D. The 100 House of Delegates districts are:

First. All of Lee and Scott Counties; part of Washington County comprised ofthe Burson Place, Mendota, Valley Institute, Wallace Part 3, and Wallace Part1 Precincts and part of the Greendale Precinct; and part of Wise Countycomprised of the Big Stone Gap, East Stone Gap, and Clinch Valley Precincts.

Second. All of Dickenson County; all of the City of Norton; part of RussellCounty comprised of the Copper Creek, Moccasin, South Castlewood, Cleveland,Dante, North Castlewood, Cooks Mill, Daughertys, Elk Garden, and LebanonPrecincts and part of the Honaker Precinct; and part of Wise County comprisedof the Appalachia, Dorchester, Guest River, West Pound, North Coeburn, Wise,East Pound, South Coeburn, and St. Paul Precincts.

Third. All of Buchanan County; part of Russell County comprised of the Drilland Swords Creek Precincts and part of the Honaker Precinct; and part ofTazewell County comprised of the Tip Top, Amonate, Bishop, Adria, Gap Store,Bandy, Abbs Valley 101/Boissevain 103/Falls Mills 104/Pocahontas 106, BurkesGarden, Clear Fork, Freestone, Jeffersonville, Thompson Valley, Cedar Bluff,Baptist Valley, Wardell, Pounding Mill, Richlands, Jewell Ridge, and RavenPrecincts.

Fourth. All of the City of Bristol; part of Smyth County comprised of theSaltville, Chilhowie, St. Clair, and Konnarock Precincts; and part ofWashington County comprised of the East Abingdon, West Abingdon, Clinchburg,Hayter's Gap, Watauga, South Abingdon, Glade Spring, Meadowview, Rhea501/Damascus 502/Green Cove 503, High Point 701/John Battle 703, and WallacePart 2 Precincts and part of the Greendale Precinct.

Fifth. All of Grayson County; all of the City of Galax; part of CarrollCounty comprised of the Hillsville C, Sylvatus, Vaughn, Woodlawn E, andLaurel Precincts; part of Smyth County comprised of the Seven Mile Ford, RichValley, East Park, West Park, Atkins, Wassona, Royal Oak East, Royal OakWest, Adwolfe, and Sugar Grove Precincts; and part of Wythe County comprisedof the Rural Retreat, Fort Chiswell, Jackson Memorial, Sheffey, Huddle, andZion Precincts and part of the Evergreen Precinct.

Sixth. All of Bland County; part of Giles County comprised of the Glen Lyn,Rich Creek, Narrows, Pearisburg, Staffordsville, White Gate, Sugar Run,Eggleston, Pembroke, and Hatfield Precincts; part of Pulaski County comprisedof the Belspring, New River, West Cloyd, Draper, South Pulaski, Newbern,Massie, Walker, and Robinson Precincts; part of Tazewell County comprised ofthe Springville and Graham Precincts; and part of Wythe County comprised ofthe Royal Oak, Evansham, Pine Ridge, Spiller, Withers, and Max MeadowsPrecincts and part of the Evergreen Precinct.

Seventh. All of the City of Radford; part of Montgomery County comprised ofthe B-2, B-3, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, D-1, D-2, D-3 Part 1, D-4, D-5, E-1, andE-2 Precincts; part of Pulaski County comprised of the Dublin and Hiwasee302/Snowville 304 Precincts; and Montgomery A.

Eighth. All of the City of Salem; and part of Roanoke County comprised of theCatawba, Mason Valley, Glenvar, Northside, Peters Creek, Green Hill, BennettSprings, Botetourt Springs, Woodlands, Bent Mountain, Poages Mill, WindsorHills, Garst Mill, Oak Grove 304/Castle Rock 305, Cotton Hill, Penn Forest,Cave Spring, and Mount Vernon Precincts.

Ninth. All of Floyd and Franklin Counties; and part of Pittsylvania Countycomprised of the Callands, Sandy Level, West Chatham, Gretna, and BearskinPrecincts.

Tenth. All of Patrick County; part of Carroll County comprised of the MountBethel, St Paul, Lambsburg 103/Oakland A 104, Hillsville B, Laurel Fork,Gladesboro, Hillsville E, Dugspur, Hillsville D, Oakland D, Fancy Gap,Gladeville, Woodlawn D Part 1, and Woodlawn D Part 2 Precincts; part of HenryCounty comprised of the Bassett 2, Gunville, Scott's Tanyard, Fieldale,Horsepasture, Spencer, Daniels Creek, Collinsville 2, Bassett 1, Oak Level,and Hillcrest Precincts; and part of the City of Martinsville comprised ofPrecinct #1 and Precinct #6.

Eleventh. Part of Roanoke County comprised of the North Vinton and SouthVinton Precincts and part of the Lindenwood Precinct; and part of the City ofRoanoke comprised of the Highland 1, Highland 2, Jefferson 1, Jefferson 2,Tinker, Williamson Road 1, Williamson Road 2, Williamson Road 4, WilliamsonRoad 5, Peters Creek, Melrose, Eureka Park, Villa Heights, WashingtonHeights, Westside, Raleigh Court 1, Wasena, and Williamson Road 3(12)/Lincoln Terrace (16) Precincts and part of the South Roanoke 1 Precinct.

Twelfth. All of Alleghany, Bath, and Craig Counties; all of the Cities ofClifton Forge and Covington; part of Giles County comprised of the NewportPrecinct; and part of Montgomery County comprised of the A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1,F-1, F-2, G-1, and G-2 Precincts.

Thirteenth. Part of Loudoun County comprised of the Middleburg and AldiePrecincts and parts of the Arcola, Cascades, and Forest Ridge Precincts; andpart of Prince William County comprised of the Brentsville, Armory, Buckhall,Nokesville, Jackson, Linton Hall, Woodbine, Evergreen, Haymarket, Catharpin,Bull Run, and Mullen Precincts and part of the Sinclair Precinct.

Fourteenth. All of the City of Danville; part of Henry County comprised ofthe Irisburg, Mount Olivet, Fontaine, and Ridgeway Precincts; and part ofPittsylvania County comprised of the Airport, Ringgold, Brosville, BachelorsHall, and Ferry Road Precincts.

Fifteenth. All of Page, Rappahannock, and Shenandoah Counties; and part ofRockingham County comprised of the Swift Run Precinct.

Sixteenth. Part of Henry County comprised of the Axton, Mountain Valley,Collinsville 1, Mountain View, Figsboro, Stanleytown, and Dyers StorePrecincts; part of the City of Martinsville comprised of Precinct #2,Precinct #3, Precinct #4, and Precinct #5; and part of Pittsylvania Countycomprised of the Mt. Hermon Fire Station, Chatham, Tunstall, Tightsqueeze,West Blairs, Central, Riceville, East Blairs, Mt. Airy, East Gretna, Keeling,Kentuck, Hurt, Motley Sycamore, Renan, Stony Mill, Swansonville, Whitmell,Mt. Hermon, Mt. Cross, and Spring Garden Precincts.

Seventeenth. Part of Botetourt County comprised of the Coyner Springs andCloverdale Precincts; part of Roanoke County comprised of the Plantation,Burlington, Mountain View, Bonsack, Hollins, Mount Pleasant, Ogden,Clearbrook, and Hunting Hills Precincts and part of the Lindenwood Precinct;and part of the City of Roanoke comprised of the Jefferson-Riverdale,Williamson Road 6, Monterey, Raleigh Court 2, Raleigh Court 3, Raleigh Court4, Raleigh Court 5, Fishburn Park, Grandin Court, South Roanoke 2, Lee-Hi,and Garden City Precincts and part of the South Roanoke 1 Precinct.

Eighteenth. All of Warren County; part of Fauquier County comprised of theWarrenton, Marshall, Leeds, Waterloo, Upperville, The Plains, and Broad RunPrecincts and part of the Baldwin Ridge Precinct; and part of FrederickCounty comprised of the Cedar Creek, Stephens City, and Middletown Precincts.

Nineteenth. All of the City of Bedford; part of Bedford County comprised ofthe Stewartsville, Hardy, Otter Hill, Cove, Big Island, Sedalia, Kelso,Boonsboro, Montvale, Shady Grove, Thaxton, Goode, Liberty High School, andSign Rock Precincts and parts of the Forest and Jefferson Precincts; and partof Botetourt County comprised of the Amsterdam, Asbury, Town Hall, BlueRidge, Rainbow Forest, Mill Creek, Roaring Run, Buchanan 301/Springwood 304,Courthouse, Eagle Rock, Glen Wilton, Oriskany, and Troutville Precincts.

Twentieth. All of Highland County; all of the City of Staunton; part ofAugusta County comprised of the Jolivue, Expo, North River, Mount Solon,Churchville Fire Station, Buffalo Gap, Churchville School, Craigsville,Deerfield, Cedar Green, Greenville, and Stuarts Draft Precincts; and part ofRockingham County comprised of the Ottobine, Massanetta Springs, Bridgewater,Montezuma, Mt. Crawford, and North River Precincts.

Twenty-first. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the Mt.Trashmore, Malibu, Thalia, Windsor Oaks, Timberlake, Glenwood, Forest,Rosemont Forest, Round Hill, and Dahlia Precincts and parts of the Bellamy,Colonial, Little Neck, and Salem Precincts.

Twenty-second. All of Campbell County; and part of Bedford County comprisedof the Chamblissburg, Staunton River, Moneta, Mountain View, New London,Walton's Store, White House, and Huddleston Precincts and parts of the Forestand Jefferson Precincts.

Twenty-third. All of the City of Lynchburg; and part of Amherst Countycomprised of the Wright Shop and Coolwell Precincts.

Twenty-fourth. All of Rockbridge County; all of the Cities of Buena Vista andLexington; part of Amherst County comprised of the New Glasgow, Courthouse,Temperance, Monroe, Elon, Pleasant View, Amelon, and Madison Precincts; andpart of Augusta County comprised of the Middlebrook, Spottswood, White Hill,and Sherando Precincts.

Twenty-fifth. All of the City of Waynesboro; part of Albemarle Countycomprised of the Crozet Precinct; part of Augusta County comprised of theVerona, Crimora, New Hope, Weyers Cave, Fort Defiance, Lyndhurst, Dooms,Fishersville, and Wilson Precincts; and part of Rockingham County comprisedof the Mill Creek, Grottoes, Elkton, McGaheysville, and South Fork Precincts.

Twenty-sixth. All of the City of Harrisonburg; and part of Rockingham Countycomprised of the Broadway, Timberville, Fulks Run, Bergton, Lacey Spring,Singers Glen, Edom, Melrose, Keezletown, Tenth Legion, Dayton, Turner Ashby(Silver Lake), and Mt. Clinton Precincts.

Twenty-seventh. Part of Chesterfield County comprised of the Gates, Beulah,Bird, Jacobs, Falling Creek, Chippenham, Meadowbrook, Five Forks, Deer Run,Spring Run, Pocahontas 307/Crenshaw 308, Genito, Providence, and LyndalePrecincts and part of the Manchester Precinct.

Twenty-eighth. All of the City of Fredericksburg; and part of Stafford Countycomprised of the Garrisonville, Widewater, Aquia, Courthouse, Brooke,Grafton, Falmouth, Gayle, Ferry Farm, Chatham, and White Oak Precincts andpart of the Simpson Precinct.

Twenty-ninth. All of the City of Winchester; and part of Frederick Countycomprised of the Russells, Gore, Kernstown, Gainesboro, Albin, Clearbrook,Neffstown, Carpers Valley, and Shenandoah Precincts.

Thirtieth. All of Culpeper and Madison Counties; and part of Orange Countycomprised of the One East, Two West, Two East, Three, Four, Locust Grove, andLake of the Woods Precincts.

Thirty-first. Part of Fauquier County comprised of the Kettle Run, Catlett,Casanova, and New Baltimore Precincts and part of the Baldwin Ridge Precinct;and part of Prince William County comprised of the Park, Saunders,Enterprise, Coles, King, Lodge, Dale, Neabsco, Godwin, Minnieville, and BelAir Precincts and parts of the Quantico and Washington-Reid Precincts.

Thirty-second. Part of Loudoun County comprised of the Sanders Corner,Ashburn Farm, Sugarland North, Sugarland South, Seneca, Lowes Island,Farmwell Station, Algonkian, Ashburn Village, and Potomac Precincts and partof the Cascades Precinct.

Thirty-third. All of Clarke County; and part of Loudoun County comprised ofthe Simpson, St Louis, Purcellville, Round Hill, Hillsboro, Hamilton,Philomont, Lovettsville, Waterford, Lucketts, Between The Hills, Greenway,Balls Bluff, West Leesburg, East Leesburg, Dry Mill, and Oakcrest Precincts.

Thirty-fourth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Colvin, Chain Bridge,Chesterbrook, Churchill, Cooper, El Nido, Great Falls, Kenmore, Langley,Salona, Clearview, Forestville, Shouse, Sugarland, Hickory, Seneca, Magarity,and Tysons Precincts.

Thirty-fifth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Flint Hill, Vienna #1,Vienna #2, Vienna #4, Vienna #6, Westbriar, Wolftrap, Blake, Freedom Hill,Oakton, Nottoway, Penderbrook, Oak Marr, Leehigh, and Vale Precincts.

Thirty-sixth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Reston #1, Reston #2,Dogwood, Hunters Woods, Reston #3, Glade, South Lakes, Terraset, SunriseValley, Fox Mill, North Point, Aldrin, and Kinross Precincts.

Thirty-seventh. All of the City of Fairfax; and part of Fairfax Countycomprised of the Olde Creek, Sideburn, Villa, Robinson, Bonnie Brae, Camelot,Ridgelea, Mantua, Mosby, Price, Pine Ridge, Woodson Part 1, and Woodson Part2 Precincts; and Fairfax A.

Thirty-eighth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Barcroft, Belvedere,Lincolnia, Masonville, Parklawn, Ravenwood, Sleepy Hollow, Saint Albans,Westlawn, Weyanoke, Willston, Poe, Whittier, Bren Mar, Edsall, Fort Buffalo,Graham, and Greenway Precincts and parts of the Glen Forest and HolmesPrecincts.

Thirty-ninth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Bristow, Chapel,Heritage, Kings Park, North Springfield #1, North Springfield #2, NorthSpringfield #3, Oak Hill, Ravensworth, Wakefield, Long Branch, Olley,Crestwood, Garfield, Lynbrook, Columbia, Hummer, and Brook Hill Precincts.

Fortieth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Clifton, Fairfax Station,Popes Head, Centre Ridge, Newgate, Virginia Run, Centreville, Green Trails,Deer Park, and Willow Springs Precincts and part of the London Towne Precinct.

Forty-first. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Fairview, Lake Braddock,Laurel, Signal Hill, Burke, Pohick, Orange, Cherry Run, Terra Centre, WhiteOaks, Burke Centre, and Parkway Precincts and parts of the Sangster andWoodyard Precincts.

Forty-second. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Gunston, Lorton,Newington, Delong, Cardinal, Keene Mill, Valley, Irving, Saratoga, Hunt,Silverbrook, and West Springfield Precincts and parts of the Pohick Run,Sangster, and Woodyard Precincts.

Forty-third. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Bush Hill, Franconia,Pioneer, Rose Hill, Virginia Hills, Beulah, Villages, Kingstowne, Van Dorn,and Belvoir Precincts and parts of the Cameron, Groveton, Hayfield406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield 413, Mount Eagle, and Pohick Run Precincts.

Forty-fourth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Belle Haven, Bucknell,Fort Hunt, Hollin Hall, Huntington, Sherwood, Stratford, Waynewood, Westgate,Whitman, and Woodley Precincts and parts of the Groveton, Hayfield406/Woodlawn 412/Fairfield 413, and Mount Eagle Precincts.

Forty-fifth. Part of the City of Alexandria comprised of the Annie B. RoseHouse, City Hall, Lyles Crouch School, Jefferson Houston School, Lee Center,George Washington School, George Mason School, Agudas Achim Synagogue, MaurySchool 201/Blessed Sacrament Church 204, and Second Presbyterian 205/Howard9th Grade Center 206 Precincts; part of Arlington County comprised of theFairlington, Abingdon, and Shirlington precincts; and part of Fairfax Countycomprised of the Belleview, Kirkside, Marlan, and Grosvenor Precincts andparts of the Cameron and Mount Eagle Precincts.

Forty-sixth. Part of the City of Alexandria comprised of the Temple Beth ElSynagogue, Hermitage, Southern Towers-Stratford, James K. Polk School,Patrick Henry School, Landmark Center, Charles E. Beatley Jr. Library, JohnAdams School, William Ramsay School, and South Port Precincts; and part ofFairfax County comprised of the Skyline Precinct.

Forty-seventh. Part of Arlington County comprised of the Ashton Heights,Ballston, Clarendon, Lyon Park, Overlee Knolls, Westover, Arlington Forest,Fillmore, Jefferson, Dominion Hills, Lexington, Arlington View, Ashlawn,Virginia Square, and Woodbury Precincts and parts of the Barcroft and GlenCarlyn Precincts.

Forty-eighth. Part of Arlington County comprised of the Aurora Hills, CrystalCity, Cherrydale, Hume, Wilson, East Falls Church, Lyon Village, Park Lane,Rosslyn, Thrifton, Virginia Highlands, Woodlawn, Rock Spring, Yorktown,Madison, Marshall, and Nottingham Precincts.

Forty-ninth. Part of the City of Alexandria comprised of the Cora KellyCenter and Mt. Vernon Recreation Center Precincts; part of Arlington Countycomprised of the Arlington, Columbia, Claremont, Glebe, and OakridgePrecincts and parts of the Barcroft and Glen Carlyn Precincts; part ofFairfax County comprised of the Baileys Precinct and parts of the Glen Forestand Holmes Precincts.

Fiftieth. All of the Cities of Manassas and Manassas Park; and part of PrinceWilliam County comprised of the Parkside, Loch Lomond, Stonewall, Sudley,Westgate, and Plantation Precincts and part of the Sinclair Precinct.

Fifty-first. Part of Prince William County comprised of the McCoart,Springwoods, Westridge, Lake Ridge, Occoquan, Old Bridge, Rockledge, Mohican,Bethel, Chinn, Civic Center, Kerrydale, Lynn, and Kilby Precincts.

Fifty-second. Part of Prince William County comprised of the Dumfries,Potomac, Graham Park, Pattie, Henderson, Montclair, Belmont, Library,Featherstone, Potomac View, and Rippon Precincts and parts of the Quanticoand Washington-Reid Precincts.

Fifty-third. All of the City of Falls Church; and part of Fairfax Countycomprised of the Haycock, Kirby, Longfellow, Mclean, Pimmit, Westhampton,Westmoreland, Walnut Hill #1, Marshall, Pine Spring, Shreve, Timber Lane,Walker, Woodburn, Stenwood, Thoreau, Merrifield, and Walnut Hill #2 Precincts.

Fifty-fourth. Part of Caroline County comprised of the Woodford Precinct; andpart of Spotsylvania County comprised of the Travelers Rest, Maury, Summit,Frazers Gate, Belmont, Brokenburg, Todd's Tavern, Holbert, Salem,Battlefield, and Brent's Mill Precincts.

Fifty-fifth. Part of Hanover County comprised of the Ashland, South Ashland,Ashcake, Beaverdam, Blunts, Wilmington Parish, Goddin's Hill, Clay,Chickahominy, Shady Grove, Atlee, Cool Spring, Courthouse, Rural Point502/Newman 503, Village, Mechanicsville, Farrington, Montpelier, Rockville,and Elmont Precincts.

Fifty-sixth. All of Goochland and Louisa Counties; and part of Henrico Countycomprised of the Lauderdale, Sadler, Causeway, Stoney Run, and West EndPrecincts.

Fifty-seventh. All of the City of Charlottesville; and part of AlbemarleCounty comprised of the Commonwealth, Branchlands, Jack Jouett, UniversityHall, Ivy, and Free Bridge Precincts.

Fifty-eighth. All of Greene County; part of Albemarle County comprised of theWoodbrook, Agnor-Hurt, East Ivy, Scottsville, Monticello, Cale, Keswick,Stony Point, Hollymead, Free Union, and Earlysville Precincts; part ofFluvanna County comprised of the Palmyra, Cunningham, and Rivanna Precincts;and part of Orange County comprised of the One West Precinct.

Fifty-ninth. All of Appomattox, Buckingham, Cumberland and Nelson Counties;part of Albemarle County comprised of the North Garden 302/Batesville 303,Porter's, and Covesville Precincts; part of Fluvanna County comprised of theColumbia and Fork Union Precincts; and part of Prince Edward County comprisedof the Prospect Precinct and part of the Buffalo Heights Precinct.

Sixtieth. All of Charlotte and Halifax Counties; part of Nottoway Countycomprised of Precinct 1-1 and Precinct 3-1 Part 2; and part of Prince EdwardCounty comprised of the Farmville, Lockett, Leigh, Hampden, DarlingtonHeights, West End, and Center Precincts and part of the Buffalo HeightsPrecinct.

Sixty-first. All of Amelia and Mecklenburg Counties; part of Brunswick Countycomprised of the Brodnax, Rock Store, Tillman, and Dromgoole Precincts; partof Lunenburg County comprised of the Plymouth, Brown's Store, McCoy Ghee'sStore, Arrowhead Gun Club, Pleasant Grove, Reedy Creek, Peoples CommunityCenter, Meherrin Fire Dept, and Courthouse Precincts; and part of NottowayCounty comprised of Precinct 1-2, Precinct 2-1, Precinct 2-2, Precinct 3-2,Precinct 4-1, Precinct 4-2, Precinct 5-1, and Precinct 3-1 Part 1.

Sixty-second. Part of Chesterfield County comprised of the Enon, Point OfRocks, and Salem Church Precincts and part of the Bellwood Precinct; part ofHenrico County comprised of the Town Hall, Sandston, Seven Pines, Whitlocks,and Dorey Precincts; part of the City of Hopewell comprised of the Ward 3,Ward 4, Ward 5, Ward 7, and Ward 1 Precincts; and part of Prince GeorgeCounty comprised of the Richard Bland College, Templeton, Union Branch,Rives, Blackwater, Brandon, Jefferson Park, and Bland Precincts and part ofthe Courts Building Precinct.

Sixty-third. All of Dinwiddie County; all of the City of Petersburg; and partof Chesterfield County comprised of the Ettrick and Matoaca Precincts andpart of the Branches Precinct.

Sixty-fourth. All of Surry County; all of the City of Williamsburg; part ofthe City of Franklin comprised of Precinct 1-1; part of Isle of Wight Countycomprised of the Smithfield, Carrollton, Rushmere, Pons, Courthouse, Windsor,Orbit, Walters, Carrsville, and Zuni Precincts; part of James City Countycomprised of the Jamestown A, Jamestown B, and Jamestown C Precincts andparts of the Berkeley A, Berkeley B, Powhatan A, Powhatan B, and Roberts APart 1 Precincts; and part of Southampton County comprised of the Hunterdaleand Sedley Precincts.

Sixty-fifth. All of Powhatan County; and part of Chesterfield Countycomprised of the Skinquarter, Tomahawk, Evergreen, Woolridge, Brandermill,Smoketree, Monacan, Harbour Pointe 401/Swift Creek 411, Midlothian,Salisbury, Sycamore and Watkins Precincts.

Sixty-sixth. All of the City of Colonial Heights; and part of ChesterfieldCounty comprised of the South Chester, North Chester, Harrowgate, Wells,Ecoff, Dutch Gap, Iron Bridge, Winfrees Store, Beach, Winterpock, Walthall,and Bailey Bridge Precincts and part of the Branches Precinct.

Sixty-seventh. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Chantilly, Dulles,Greenbriar East, Greenbriar West, Navy, Rocky Run, Waples Mill, Lees Corner,and Cub Run 903/Stone 917 Precincts and part of the London Towne Precinct;and part of Loudoun County comprised of part of the Arcola Precinct.

Sixty-eighth. Part of Chesterfield County comprised of the Reams, Wagstaff,Huguenot, Crestwood, Robious, Bon Air, Greenfield, Cranbeck, Shenandoah, andBelgrade 508/Black Heath 511 Precincts; and part of the City of Richmondcomprised of the 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 112, 113, 114, 204, 410, 411,and 413 Precincts.

Sixty-ninth. Part of Chesterfield County comprised of the Belmont, Davis, andBeaufont Precincts and part of the Manchester Precinct; and part of the Cityof Richmond comprised of 404, 412, 501, 502, 503, 504, 509, 510, 610, 802,807, 810, 902, 908, 909, 910, and 911 Precincts and parts of the 402 and 609Precincts.

Seventieth. Part of Chesterfield County comprised of the Drewry's BluffPrecinct and part of the Bellwood Precinct; part of Henrico County comprisedof the Central Gardens, Eanes, Glen Echo, Laburnum, Masonic, Montrose,Sullivans, and Mehfoud Precincts; and part of the City of Richmond comprisedof the 403, 508, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 806, 811, 812, 813, 903, and 906Precincts and parts of the 402 and 609 Precincts.

Seventy-first. Part of Henrico County comprised of the Hilliard, StratfordHall, and Summit Court Precincts; and part of the City of Richmond comprisedof the 203, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307,308, 309, 505, 602, 603, 606, 607, 608, 706, and 707 Precincts.

Seventy-second. Part of Henrico County comprised of the Glen Allen, Hunton,Longan, Coalpit, Innsbrook, Jackson Davis, Cedarfield, Tucker, Byrd,Lakewood, Gayton, Godwin, Maybeury, Mooreland, Pemberton, Pinchbeck, andRidgefield Precincts.

Seventy-third. Part of Henrico County comprised of the Brookland, Dumbarton,Glenside, Greendale, Hermitage, Johnson, Lakeside, Maude Trevvett, Moody,Staples Mill, Cardinal, Crestview, Freeman, Monument Hills, Ridge, Skipwith,Three Chopt, Westwood, Derbyshire, Rollingwood, Spottswood, and TuckahoePrecincts; and part of the City of Richmond comprised of the 111 and 409Precincts.

Seventy-fourth. All of Charles City County; part of Henrico County comprisedof the Adams, Azalea, Bloomingdale, Brook Hill, Canterbury, Chamberlayne,East Highland Park, Fairfield, Glen Lea, Greenwood, Highland Gardens,Hungary, Longdale, Randolph, Ratcliffe, Upham, Wilkinson, Yellow Tavern,Maplewood, Chipplegate, Landmark, Cedar Fork, Donahoe, Elko, Fairmount,Highland Springs, and Pleasants Precincts; part of the City of Hopewellcomprised of the Ward 2 and Ward 6 Precincts; part of the City of Richmondcomprised of the 604 Precinct; and part of Prince George County comprised ofpart of the Courts Building Precinct.

Seventy-fifth. All of Greensville and Sussex Counties; all of the City ofEmporia; part of Brunswick County comprised of the Edgerton, Fitzhugh,Alberta, Danieltown, Elmore, Seymour, Sturgeon, King's Store, andLawrenceville Precincts; part of the City of Franklin comprised of Precinct2-1, Precinct 3-1, Precinct 4-1, Precinct 5-1, and Precinct 6-1; part of Isleof Wight County comprised of the Camps Mill Precinct; part of LunenburgCounty comprised of the Parham's Store and Hound's Creek Precincts; and partof Southampton County comprised of the Berlin, Ivor, Boykins, Branchville,Capron, Sebrell, Drewryville, Forks-of-the-River, Courtland, BlackwaterRiver, and Newsoms Precincts.

Seventy-sixth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Churchland,Gilmerton, Jolliff One, Fellowship Baptist Church, Silverwood, Bailey Creek,Lake Drummond, John T. West, and Nansemond Precincts and part of Deep CreekPrecinct; and part of the City of Suffolk comprised of the Driver, Ebenezer,Chuckatuck, King's Fork, Whaleyville, Kilby's Mill, Holland, Holy Neck,Lakeside, Olde Towne, Elephant's Fork, and Lake Meade Precincts and parts ofthe Cypress Chapel, Harbour View, and Nansemond River Precincts.

Seventy-seventh. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Camelot,Crestwood, Oscar Smith School, Geneva Park, Georgetown, E. W. Chittum School,St. Julians, Sunray I, South Norfolk Fire Station, Carver School, ProvidenceChurch of Christ, Westover, Sunray II, and South Norfolk Recreation Precinctsand part of Deep Creek Precinct; and part of the City of Suffolk comprised ofthe White Marsh, John F. Kennedy, Airport, and Hollywood Precincts and partof Cypress Chapel Precinct.

Seventy-eighth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Great Bridge,Greenbrier, B. M. Williams School, Hickory Grove, Oak Grove, Hickory MiddleSchool, Great Bridge Middle School, Bridgetown, River Birch, Parkways,Pleasant Crossing, and Bells Mill II Precincts.

Seventy-ninth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Taylor RoadFire Station Precinct; part of the City of Norfolk comprised of the LarchmontLibrary and Larchmont Recreation Center Precincts and parts of theCanterbury, Titustown Center, and Zion Grace Precincts; part of the City ofPortsmouth comprised of the Ten, Eleven, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three,Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Thirty, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five,Thirty-Six, and Thirty-Seven/Thirty-Eight Precincts; and part of the City ofSuffolk comprised of the Yeates Precinct and parts of the Harbor View andNansemond River Precincts.

Eightieth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Johnson ParkPrecinct; part of the City of Norfolk comprised of the Ohef Sholom, St.Andrew's, and Berkley Precincts and parts of the Canterbury and Hunton YPrecincts; and part of the City of Portsmouth comprised of the One, Five,Seven, Nine, Thirteen, Fourteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Nineteen, Twenty,Twenty-One, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty-One,and Thirty-Two Precincts.

Eighty-first. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Bethel, BellsMill, Indian Creek, Green Sea, Grassfield Part 1, and Grassfield Part 2Precincts; and part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the Creeds,Capps Shop, Blackwater, and Ocean Lakes (3)/Red Wing (30)/Sigma (31)/Culver(63) Precincts and parts of the Magic Hollow, Oceana, Seatack (5)/Rudee (72),and Strawbridge Precincts.

Eighty-second. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the NorthBeach, South Beach, Linkhorn, Alanton, Kingston, Cape Henry, Kings Grant,Wolfsnare, Lynnhaven, Eastern Shore, Hilltop, and Trantwood (9)/Great Neck(10) Precincts and parts of the Little Neck, Oceana, and Seatack (5)/Rudee(72) Precincts.

Eighty-third. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the OldDonation, Aragona, Ocean Park, Thoroughgood, Lake Smith, Bayside, DavisCorner, Chesapeake Beach, Witchduck, Pembroke, Bonney, Meadows, and ShellPrecincts and part of the Shannon Precinct.

Eighty-fourth. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the LondonBridge, Plaza, Holland, Courthouse, Green Run, Landstown, and Hunt Precinctsand parts of the Magic Hollow, Salem, and Strawbridge Precincts.

Eighty-fifth. Part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the Point O'View, Arrowhead, Larkspur, Providence, College Park, Brandon, Centerville,Stratford Chase, Homestead, Sherry Park, and Woodstock (25)/Fairfield (26)Precincts and parts of the Bellamy, Colonial, and Shannon Precincts.

Eighty-sixth. Part of Fairfax County comprised of the Floris 203/Frying Pan235, Herndon #1, Herndon #2, Herndon #3, Hutchison, Stuart, and FranklinPrecincts; and part of Loudoun County comprised of the Guilford, Sully, ParkView, and Rolling Ridge Precincts and parts of the Cascades and Forest RidgePrecincts.

Eighty-seventh. Part of the City of Norfolk comprised of the Northside,Crossroads, Therapeutic Center, Wesley, Bayview United, East Ocean View,Larrymore, Little Creek, Oceanair, Tarrallton, Third Presbyterian, and OceanView Center Part 2 Precincts and parts of the Azalea Gardens, Barron Black,Bayview School, Granby, Ocean View Center Part 1, Ocean View School,Titustown Center, Tucker House, and Zion Grace Precincts.

Eighty-eighth. Part of Fauquier County comprised of the Lois, Morrisville,Remington, and Opal Precincts; part of Spotsylvania County comprised of theGrange Hall and Plank Road Precincts; and part of Stafford County comprisedof the Hartwood, Hampton, Rock Hill, Roseville, Ruby, Stefaniga, Griffis, andPotomac Hills Precincts and part of the Simpson Precinct.

Eighty-ninth. Part of the City of Norfolk comprised of the Ghent Square,Immanuel, Lafayette Library, Lafayette Presbyterian, Lambert's Point, Maury,Park Place, Stuart, Suburban Park, Willard, Ballentine, Tanner's Creek,Coleman Place School, Lafayette-Winona, Lindenwood, Monroe, NorviewMethodist, Norview Recreation Center, Rosemont, Sherwood School, and YoungPark Precincts and parts of the Granby, Hunton Y, Sherwood Rec Center Part 2,Titustown Center, and Tucker House Precincts.

Ninetieth. Part of the City of Chesapeake comprised of the Indian River,Norfolk Highlands, Oaklette, and Tanglewood Precincts; part of the City ofNorfolk comprised of the Bowling Park, Union Chapel, Brambleton, Campostella,Chesterfield, Coleman Place Presbyterian, Easton, Fairlawn, Houston,Ingleside, Poplar Halls, and Sherwood Rec Center Part 1 Precincts and partsof the Azalea Gardens, Barron Black, and Sherwood Rec Center Part 2Precincts; and part of the City of Virginia Beach comprised of the BakerPrecinct.

Ninety-first. All of the City of Poquoson; part of the City of Hamptoncomprised of the Syms, Booker, Burbank, Langley, and Phillips Precincts andparts of the Buckroe, Fox Hill, and Magruder Precincts; and part of YorkCounty comprised of the Seaford, Harris Grove, and Dare Precincts.

Ninety-second. Part of the City of Hampton comprised of the Aberdeen,Bassette, City Hall, Cooper, East Hampton, Lasalle, Lee, Pembroke, Phenix,Phoebus, River, Smith, Jones, Kecoughtan, and Tyler Precincts and parts ofthe Buckroe, Fox Hill, Magruder, and Northampton Precincts.

Ninety-third. Part of James City County comprised of the Roberts B andRoberts A Part 2 Precincts and part of the Roberts A Part 1 Precinct; andpart of the City of Newport News comprised of the Epes, Mcintosh, Reservoir,Richneck, Windsor, Watkins, Palmer, Kiln Creek, and Beaconsdale Precincts andparts of the Lee Hall and South Morrison Precincts.

Ninety-fourth. Part of the City of Newport News comprised of the Denbigh,Jenkins, Oyster Point, Bland, Boulevard, Charles, Christopher Newport, DeepCreek, Grissom, Hidenwood, Hilton, Nelson, Riverside, Sanford, Warwick,Yates, Riverview, River, and Sedgefield Precincts and part of the Lee HallPrecinct.

Ninety-fifth. Part of the City of Hampton comprised of the Tarrant, Wythe,Forrest, Kraft, Mallory, and Tucker Capps Precincts and part of NorthamptonPrecinct; and part of the City of Newport News comprised of the Briarfield,Carver, Chestnut, Downtown, Dunbar, Huntington, Jefferson, Magruder,Marshall, New Market, Newsome Park, Reed, Washington, and Wilson Precinctsand part of South Morrison Precinct.

Ninety-sixth. Part of James City County comprised of the Stonehouse A andStonehouse B Precincts and parts of the Berkeley A, Berkeley B, Powhatan A,and Powhatan B Precincts; part of the City of Newport News comprised of theSaunders Precinct; and part of York County comprised of the Queens Lake,Yorktown, Waller Mill, Nelson, Magruder, Coventry, Edgehill, Harwoods Mill,Tabb, and Bethel Precincts.

Ninety-seventh. All of New Kent County; part of Caroline County comprised ofthe Madison, Reedy Church, and Mattaponi Precincts; part of Hanover Countycomprised of the Battlefield, Old Church, Cold Harbor, Black Creek, Studley,and Stonewall Jackson Precincts; part of Henrico County comprised of theChickahominy, Nine Mile, and Antioch Precincts; part of King and Queen Countycomprised of the Owenton and Clark's Precincts; part of King William Countycomprised of the Second-B, Third, Fourth and Fifth Precincts and part of theSecond-A Precinct; and part of Spotsylvania County comprised of the Partlowand Blaydes Corner Precincts.

Ninety-eighth. All of Essex, Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex Counties;part of King and Queen County comprised of the Shackleford's, Courthouse, andOld Mill Precincts; and part of King William County comprised of the FirstPrecinct and part of the Second-A Precinct.

Ninety-ninth. All of King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, andWestmoreland Counties; and part of Caroline County comprised of the BowlingGreen and Port Royal Precincts.

One hundredth. All of Accomack and Northampton Counties; part of the City ofHampton comprised of part of the Buckroe Precinct; and part of the City ofNorfolk comprised of parts of the Bayview School, Ocean View Center Part 1,Ocean View School, Titustown Center, and Zion Grace Precincts.

(2001, Sp. Sess. I, c. 1.)

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