§ 24.2-306. Changes not to be enacted within 60 days of general election;notice requirements.
A. No change in any local election district, precinct, or polling place shallbe enacted within 60 days next preceding any general election. Notice shallbe published prior to enactment in a newspaper having general circulation inthe election district or precinct once a week for two successive weeks. Thepublished notice shall state where descriptions and maps of proposed boundaryand polling place changes may be inspected.
B. Notice of any adopted change in any election district, town, precinct, orpolling place shall be mailed to all registered voters whose electiondistrict, town, precinct, or polling place is changed at least 15 days priorto the next general, special, or primary election in which the voters will bevoting in the changed election district, town, precinct, or polling place.
C. Each county, city, and town shall comply with the applicable requirementsof law, including §§ 24.2-304.3 and 30-264, and send copies of enactedchanges to the local electoral board, the State Board, and the Division ofLegislative Services.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-49 through 24-51; 1970, c. 462, § 24.1-39; 1971, Ex. Sess.,c. 119; 1993, c. 641; 1995, c. 249; 2003, c. 1015; 2004, c. 1000.)