§ 24.2-307. Requirements for county and city precincts.
The governing body of each county and city shall establish by ordinance asmany precincts as it deems necessary. Each governing body is authorized toincrease or decrease the number of precincts and alter precinct boundariessubject to the requirements of this chapter.
At the time any precinct is established, it shall have no more than 5,000registered voters. The general registrar shall notify the governing bodywhenever the number of voters who voted in a precinct in an election forPresident of the United States exceeds 4,000. Within six months of receivingthe notice, the governing body shall proceed to revise the precinctboundaries, and any newly established or redrawn precinct shall have no morethan 5,000 registered voters.
At the time any precinct is established, each precinct in a county shall haveno fewer than 100 registered voters and each precinct in a city shall have nofewer than 500 registered voters.
Each precinct shall be wholly contained within any election district used forthe election of one or more members of the governing body or school board forthe county or city.
The governing body shall establish by ordinance one polling place for eachprecinct.
(Code 1950, §§ 24-45, 24-46; 1954, c. 375; 1956, c. 378; 1962, cc. 185, 536;1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-36, 24.1-37; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 119; 1976, c. 616;1977, c. 30; 1978, c. 778; 1980, c. 639; 1992, c. 445; 1993, c. 641; 1999, c.515.)