§ 24.2-309.2. Election precincts; prohibiting precinct changes for specifiedperiod of time.
No county, city, or town shall create, divide, abolish, or consolidate anyprecincts, or otherwise change the boundaries of any precinct, effectiveduring the period from February 1, 2009, to May 15, 2011, except as (i)provided by law upon a change in the boundaries of the county, city, or town,(ii) the result of a court order, (iii) the result of a change in the form ofgovernment, or (iv) the result of an increase or decrease in the number oflocal election districts other than at-large districts. Any ordinancerequired to comply with the requirements of § 24.2-307 shall be adopted on orbefore February 1, 2009.
If a change in the boundaries of a precinct is required pursuant to clause(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) above, the county, city, or town shall comply withthe applicable requirements of law, including §§ 24.2-304.3 and 30-264, andsend copies of the ordered or enacted changes to the State Board of Electionsand the Division of Legislative Services.
This section shall not prohibit any county, city, or town from adopting anordinance revising precinct boundaries or submitting that ordinance to theUnited States Department of Justice in accordance with § 5 of the UnitedStates Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, after January 1, 2011. However,no revisions in precinct boundaries shall be implemented in the conduct ofelections prior to May 15, 2011.
(2008, c. 112.)