§ 24.2-312. Effective date of other redistricting measures; electionsfollowing annexation.
A. Any redistricting, other than the decennial redistricting, of any county,city, or town shall be effective at midnight December 31 of the year in whichthe redistricting occurs.
B. Members of county, city, and town governing bodies in office when any suchredistricting measure is adopted shall complete their terms of office. Theelections for their successors shall be held at the general election nextpreceding the expiration of the terms of office of the incumbent members andshall be conducted on the basis of the districts set out in the measures toaccomplish the redistricting.
C. When a county has been redistricted as a result of annexation and theredistricting occurs in the year of a regularly scheduled November generalelection for members of the county's board of supervisors, the Novembergeneral election shall be conducted from the newly established districts solong as the redistricting measure has been adopted prior to March 15 of theyear of the election.
D. When a city or town has been redistricted as a result of annexation andthe redistricting occurs prior to a regularly scheduled May general electionfor members of the city's or town's governing body, the May general electionshall be conducted from the newly established districts so long as theredistricting measure has been adopted prior to the November 15 immediatelypreceding the election.
(1990, c. 500, § 24.1-17.3; 1993, c. 641; 1995, c. 249.)